Chapter 17

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A figure comes out from behind a tree,still clapping their hands together. Her blonde hair resting on her shoulders,her Sky-ish blue eyes filled with playfulness and amusement,holding mischief at the same time

Her purple dress flowing as she walks up to Paladin Butters. I watch Kyle glare more as she came "what a magnificent show. You did kinda over did it though,Kyle. Hurting my poor Butters like that,what a shame" she said,hugging Butters head to her chest as the boy blushes

"Princess Kenny" Butters and Kyle said at the same time with different tones holding their voices. Butters held one with surprise and joy while Kyle on the other hand,held the opposite

Expect and anger

"What are you doing here?" Kyle growled at her as she smirks and giggles "well I just simply came here to do my part is all. Is to take care of my favorite warrior"

She then proceeds to gawk at Butters as the latter protested and tried pushing away from embarrassment "and?" Kyle demanded. I just sat there on the ground behind Kyle with a dirty,ripped clothes and scratches

I didn't dare to say anything with the tension in the air. Why does it seem to Kyle like Princess Kenny is more dangerous than the Grand Wizard?

"And?" Princess Kenny repeated, although she intended to not know what Kyle means,it was pretty obvious she does "you know what I mean" Kyle said,patience running low

"And of course,to get Y/N" Princess Kenny finally said. That only made Kyle more angrier "you do know what will happen if we get her close to the stick,right? Well that's what we're intentioning so if you could do is a favor and-"

"Hell no! I'm not just gonna let you take Y/N like that ever again!" Kyle blurted out,minding the words he said. This made my heart flutter as I feel my face heat up a little

"Aw~ that's cute. Well then,we'll just have to take her by force. She snaps her fingers

More figures emerge from the scene as Princess Kenny pointed at us,more specifically. Me

"Craig,Tweek,Token and Clyde. Take her alive and leave the Elf King" Princess Kenny ordered (oh yess)

"Why not take him too?" Who I'm guessing is Craig,said monotonously

"Because! I said so" princess Kenny said,crossing her arms

"G-GAH,Y-you got it,P-Princess K-Kenny!" The twitchy blonde said

The other two nod before Princess Kenny helps Paladin Butters up as they walk away "lets get this thing started!" The brunette said,seeming excited,probably has some skills he'd like to show off to everyone

"Alright,you know the drill. Take her, kill the king" Token said

"No its take her,leave the king" Craig corrected

"M-maybe k-kill b-both of them? GAH TOO MUCH PRESSURE" Tweek screamed

"Nah,it's leave both of them alone" Clyde said coolly


Kyle took this as a chance to grab my hand and run away,they soon noticed and called out for us as they chased us. Let's just say they were hot on our tail no more than a second

Man they're fast

"Kyle,where are we going?" I ask, trying my hardest to keep up with his pace. He took sharp turns,here and there until we lost them

We finally stop to take deep breaths "are they gone?" He asks "I hope so"

"Kyle,I-" before I could finish my sentence,two figures jumps on us but Kyle reacted fast by pulling his robe and throwing it at them

The chase started again as Token and Clyde were busy trying to get the heavy robe off. We kept on a look out for Tweek and Craig

Rustling of bushes,we quickly turned on our backs no one was there. We kept turning to look at our backs,they moved like shadows. It was like a dog trying to catch its tale

I felt something- or rather- someone cover my mouth to prevent any noises I make to come out. They quickly pulled me up to a tree and I noticed Craig was holding me in a strong grip

I tried calling out for Kyle as it came out muffled. I also noticed Tweek was in front of me. Wow,these two work like a couple

Kyle finally turns around,confused but when he looked up,his face changed into anger and concern "Y/N! Let go of her-" he was about to come and jump up here when Token and Clyde tackled him to the ground

"GARGH Let me go!" He struggled against them

"Do it,Token" Craig said. Token looks at him before looking at Kyle and knocking him out

Before Kyle was unconscious,he took a glimpse at me and muttered my name

Tears on both corners of my eyes, threatening to fall as they took me away. I struggle against Feldspar's -Who I soon learned was Craig's alliance- hold but he was too strong,I tried again but nothing "give it up,barbarian"

He turned to Tweek "lets go"


Here I was again,back in the Kingdom of Kupa Keep. Not back in the same room before though but in a dungeon. I need to think...again

I need to get out first. No bar windows -no windows at all- no guards,my hands are chained to the wall,no nothing. I guess I'll just have to take a leap of faith

And wait for Kyle....To hell with that! I'm getting out here one way or another. The chains were rusty and pretty much like it would break and turn into ash for a few more decades maybe

Clang clang the sound of it being pulled by me. Will this really work? I don't know,I'm jut being stupid. I guess I'm more worried of looking stupid that I started talking to myself in my mind like someone's listening

It happens to all of us at some part so no need to be ashamed or anything.

(Complete) Ruler of the Elven Kingdom,●Elf King Kyle x Reader●Where stories live. Discover now