Chapter 15

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I walk from the hallways to the Grand Wizard's room

Izumi opens the door and let me in, following behind was Princess Kenny

"Well well well,what do we have here?" A voice said as the chair spins around to reveal a -ahem- Fat guy with a witch like hat that is blue

He had an evil grin plastered on his chubby face. His hands clasp together as he rests his head at the back of it "Y/N L/N,as I've heard,you seem to mean a lot to that cheating bastard Of an Elf King,Kyle"

I growl but kept my mouth shut "what do you want with me?". He laughs before staring back at me with a piercing gaze "Your power,"

I look at him dumb-founded,I let out a 'huh' in confusion "you see,you seem to hold a powerful magic in you,a very familiar magic indeed. With that and the stick by our side,we could take out all the evil in this world!"

I scoff at his explanation "FYI though, you're the only evil here"

He looks at me funny before staring at me blankly "oh? If you think so,then do you know what past does the Elf King holds?" My eyes went wide as my face drained it color

'Please don't let it be,please don't let it be' I repeated in my head. The grand Wizard laughs "so you don't know?" He stated more than ask "then how could you possibly say that I am the bad guy here? You people shouldn't listen to those lying elves"

"Tell you what,I'll let you go back to the Elven Kingdom" he starts as I raise my eyebrow in suspicion "if you ask Kyle what happened 5 years ago,if he can answer you and you like what you know then you can stay with them..."

"But if I don't?" I ask,a twisting feeling in my stomach "then you're always welcome to join us here,with your fellow being"

I gulp


Kyle's POV

"Where is Creeklin? I asked her to come here to send a message for me, not go and take a look around" I said to myself in frustration. Stan comes up to me with his sword in its sheath in hand "No sign of her,My king"

I sigh in frustration as I heard yelling by the gates "My lord! Its Y/N!!"

My sharp ear perked up at the name and quickly ran up to the direction of the gates which was easy because I only needed to take one direction to it

(Sorry -notsorry-)

The door attached to the gate opened to reveal her shiny H/C hair and bright E/C eyes yet they held disturbed,fright and uneasiness

I quickly ran up to her and hugged her "Y/N! Are you okay?! They didnt hurt you,did they??" I drowned her in questions as she laughs a little whilst scratching her cheek nervously "geez Kyle,calm down,I can't answer all those questions at the same time,geez"

I sigh in relief,well now I know I don't have to ask Creeklin to be a messenger. My eyes shift down to her dress,she looks good in it though

"How did you escape?" I ask her again,this time waiting for an answer "well...Kyle,can I talk to you for a sec? Alone?" She asks seriously all of the sudden

We gave her a questioning look before I nod and guided to back inside and to My room

I close the door behind me after Y/N went in "ok so what do you want to talk about?" I ask a little nervous since I didn't expect her to be all serious about something. Then again, I've only known her for a few weeks

Or so I think

I watch her as she takes a deep breath and ask "Kyle,what happened 5 years ago?"

The question made me freeze from where I was standing. She seemed to have been pleading with her eyes that it wasn't something horrible I did

(Complete) Ruler of the Elven Kingdom,●Elf King Kyle x Reader●Where stories live. Discover now