Chapter 20

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Matt walks inside Cartman's room as the wizard didn't even spare a glance to see who it was. Matt stood there nervously while his eyes darted around the room,looking for the keys

When he did find it,he found them on Cartman's pants,hanging around. He swallows back a lump that was forming on his throat and stepped towards the grand wizard who was still looking at his figures of the whole kingdom, checking for flaws in his plan

"Hey Cartman!" Matt casually slung an arm around his shoulders,Cartman was taken aback and eyed him suspiciously before sighing "what is it,Matt?"

"Oh nothing,just excited for when we take victory is all" Matt's hand slowly went down near the keys,when he was so close,Cartman stood up

"Oh Matt! Its nice to see you hyped for when we rule the whole land! But we shant celebrate so early for there could be more schemes the elves hold" Cartman said,walking to the window,watching as his fellow men prepared for battle

Matt sweats nervously and tried to get the key but Cartman kept talking and walking around,making it difficult for him to get near without being suspicious

"So now,Matt. What else do you have to say?" Cartman asks,facing the raven haired teen who was sweating a lot,making Cartman question how

"Uh yeah! Before the battle starts,I wanna go do something,do you have any orders?" He ask as Cartman started thinking about it "the training arena is rather messy,could you be a dear and pick up all the weapons and put them back where they belong?"

Matt nodded and went out,he closed the doors and sighed in relief,in his hands were the golden keys to the dungeon

He smiled before running back to Y/N. He casually walked there,trying to act as normal as possible but he couldn't help but smile

He finally made it there to see Y/N still lying down on the floor "hey" Matt whispered. Y/N looks up and glares at him "what do you want now?" She hissed

He smiled fondly again before opening the door. Y/N gave him a questioning look before stepping out "you're...setting me free?" She asks, surprised

"Yeah and you'll need my help getting out"


Together,they both rode a horse with Matt driving. They were so close when all of the sudden,humans surrounded them. They were pointing their weapons towards them

"What do we do?" Y/N whispered to Matt as he took time looking for an escape "well well well,if it isn't Matt Sanchez. I knew you'd eventually caved in" Cartman's voice bellowed as he stepped out of the board of humans who gave way

"What do you mean?" He asks as Cartman laughs "I mean,I knew you still haven't gotten over Y/N,you fool. It was only a matter of when when you would betray us" Cartman continues to laugh

He couldn't believe it. Cartman knew from the start and used him as much as he wanted- no,he let himself be used. He was still as stupid as before. Nothing had changed

He looks around and found no way out. Oh how he wished for a miracle "so now Matt,you're completely useless now. I no longer need you or any of your services

Kill him"

An arrow shot deep into his chest. A look of pain and horried implanted itself on his face as he fell of the horse all while Y/N watches with a terrified look

Her eyes dilated as everything slowed down until Matt fell with a thud "Matt!" Her head snapped towards him as she quickly gets off the horse and comes to his aid even though she didn't know what to do

Cartman laughs as he watches the scenery in front of him. Y/N was holding Matt who had blood dripping out of his mouth and chest impaled with an arrow

Pathetic,he thought

"Matt!" Y/N cried as Matt coughed out blood,no way he was going to a survive this now. He looks up at him with a comforting smile

"Consider my dept paid" he forced out a laugh but Y/N was taking none of it. Until now,Matt was still the same as she met him,he was strong and wouldn't let just anyone see him break,see the real him

The Clown he was

"Hmmph, you guys and your emotions are Pathetic" Cartman spat as he turns around. His back towards Y/N and a dying Matt

"Matt,you're gonna be okay,you'll get through this,you've been through worse" Y/N tried to keep him awake but he knew it was his time

He lived a short life but it was a good one. A life he thought he never would have,it was unexpected

With one last smile and caressing Y/N cheek softly. His face paled as his hand drops to his side

Y/N's heart stopped. She couldn't believe it,her ex boyfriend,her best friend,her partner in crime

Was gone for good

Y/N wailed out,screaming on top of her lungs as tears streamed down her rosy cheeks. Soon the tears were replaced with black liquid and her eyes turned pure white,her iris no longer there

She clutched her head and groaned in agony as slimy wings burst out on her back,surprising everyone around as they took a step back

The magic Kyle had casted on her to keep her cool had broken. The strong feelings she felt broke that spell and awakened the power within her

Someone had to come to save her now

(Complete) Ruler of the Elven Kingdom,●Elf King Kyle x Reader●Where stories live. Discover now