Chapter 21

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A bright light blasted towards the sky, creating a hole through the thick clouds. A loud cry of agony erupted from the girl's mouth

The power within her had awakened due to the fallen of a close friend. Scales snaked their way to her skin, decorating it as it lost its former S/C color

A look of horrified,shock, and amazement all scattered on the faces of the crowd. The light was so big, its sight could be seen miles and miles away

A certain ginger head spots it and is now panicking. His heart beating a thousand a second. His worse fear has just arrived,and he clearly didn't know what to do

Snapping out of his shock,he turns to his warriors and orders them "Chaos has come! Avoid hurting Y/N,she's in the bright source of light. You will only spare me time to get close to her and I will stop all this,got it?"

They all raised their bows and weapons "Yeah!" With determination and confidence,they exclaimed

"Elves! My faithful warriors! Attack!!" Kyle said. With screams for battle, they ran to the direction and started to attack as many humans as they could,trying to spare time for their king to save the damsel in distress

"Oh Y/N,please,please,please be okay" he muttered pleads to himself before hopping on to his horse and let his robe flow against the wind as he went onwards with the other elves

Stan smiles, oh how his king was now taking responsibility. Y/N had changed Kyle,he now acted more of a king than just letting Stan do all the work,he himself did it too

Now his king had gone to war without even waiting for him. He wishes to whoever was listening to bring them three all back and let them go back to having lots of fun

While most of the warriors are fighting,most of them just didn't bother and just watched. Those people were Feldspar,the Barbarian, Clyde and Token

Izumi,Creeklin,Luke and Evan didn't bother fighting each other and watched in interest. Things were getting intense as if they were reenacting the war before only they went over board

Kyle hopped down his ride and stepped forward Y/N but Cartman stepped in between them "Dirty Elf" Cartman bellowed

"Grand Fat-ass" Kyle spat "its nice to finally see you again. I believe you're here for her? Right?"

Kyle growled "leave her alone,fat ass"
"Oh! But I'm not doing anything,this happened all on her own" Cartman said innocently,putting his hands up in defense

"You triggered her,fat ass!!" Danger visible in Kyle's emerald eyes,he was beyond pissed. He held a sword in his hands,gripped tight,pointed towards Cartman

They both fought with swords clashing together. Kyle was in rage more than ever as he saw the smug look on the Grand wizards face

"Once I get the stick to her,I will have full control over its piwer and no one can stop me!"

Kyle gritted his teeth that they were almost cracking "I wont let you come near her"


I didnt know where I was,the only thing I remember was Matts life being drained out of his eyes. He was dead,despute everything we were best buds but now.... I felt tears prickle on eyes and quickly wiped them away

I need to find a way out of here. I look around but inly saw white, nothing but an endless void that leads to no where. Suddenly,the scenery changed into the woods,it was me leaning againts a steep hill with a sprained ankle. This was when I got lost

Fireflies,the stars along with the moon were the only light sources I had. One firefly flew up to me and I lift my finger for it to land on

The scene changed again to when a fruit miraculously fell for me to eat

The times Ive spent in the forest showed and one oarticukar imaged stood out was when I had a dream and instantly recognize the face. It was Kyle

The last scene was a girl sobbing againts a tree

Wait,I know this

A boy came up to her and they continued to talk before the boy reluctantly took the girl's hand and leads her somewhere. That girl was me and I instantly knew what this was leading to

The boy turned his head around,at first I thought they couldnt see me but that was proved wrong when he looked at me staright in the eyes and said something but nothing came

Everything went back to being a void with nothing else,I couldnt figure out why memories showed but I guessed it was just part of being here

But what did Kyle say? That question pounded in my head as I try to recall and maybe read his mouth in my mind but to no avail.

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