Special Chapter part 2

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"Your majesty! Y/N's back!" Stan announced as he barged in the King's room,making sure to lower the volume of his voice and slowly close the door,being considerate enough for Kyle's sake. They could hear a soft groan in the other room,as if to acknowledge the fact that they were there. Stan lead Y/N to the room,despite her already knowing the way. "I'll be back with the herbal drink for him. In the meantime,will you keep him company?" Stan asked. Y/N nodded her head as she looked towards Kyle's direction,more specifically, she looked at the lump on the bed covered with bundles of blankets. Stan thanked her in appreciation as he stepped out once more,which left Y/N by herself with a sick elf.

"Hey Kyle," she stepped closer to the ginger male,smiling at the sight of the adorable male wrapped tightly with thick cloths. Kyle groaned once more, having no energy to form words and feeling his throat burn. Yet despite that,he still gathered enough energy to peek at the h/c who smiled down at him. He tried sitting up but couldn't with the condition he currently had. The effort made Y/N as she placed a hand on Kyle's neck "Don't move,silly. You're really burning up," She took the wet cloth off and dipped it in the cold water in a bucket near by before wringing it and placing it back on Kyle's head.

Soon,a blonde girl stepped inside with a tray of what was assumed as Kyle's medicine. She excused herself and abruplty stopped once she saw Y/N. She stood frozen,almost dropping the tray before clutching on it tightly. Her face then exploded into one of joy and surprise as she placed the tray on top of Kyle's desk and held onto Y/N's hands. The latter feelings were mutual as she exclaimed "Bebe!" Unlike Stan,she accidently exclaimed,causing a pain to struck Kyle in the head. Y/N apologized as she turned back to the ginger male.

"Your majesty,it's time to take your medicine. Sir Stan has asked to take this here to you," Bebe announced as she went to help Kyle up but he insisted he could get up himself as he leaned his back against the headrest.

"Y/N,let's catch up later,I still have work to do. Take care!" Bebe said as she gently closed the door behind her. Once she was out,Kyle's weak fingers wrapped itself around the cup,fearing it might fall or spill,Y/N took initiative and held on to the cup as well as she raised it to his lips. In a hoarse voice,Kyle protested "I can do it myself,"

At this,Y/N laughed at his failed attempt to seem strong and still continued to help him,much to his embarrassment "No need to be embarrased,Kyle. We've been through a lot of things,this is hardly anything to be embarrased about,"

"Are you feeling any better?" Y/N asked once Kyle settled down once again on his bed. He nodded his head,slowly "Its starting to disappear little by little," To confirm,Y/N placed her hand on his bare fore and smiled "Yeah,its starting to disappear. What happened anyways?" She asked. Upon remembering the previous events,Kyle's brows furrowed at the memory. Y/N could already tell something unpleasant had happened. Kyle sighed "Well, you've heard from Stan about the sudden rebellious acts of some beings here,right?" He turned to her as she nodded "Yeah,is it connected to the mountain with a barrier or something?"

"Yes,it's actually where most of those rebellious creatures live. They've made that mountain their territory and would only let a few people in,only for them to mess around with them. Most of them don't make it out without being thrown into insanity," Kyle watched as Y/N shivered at the information and hesitated to continue but the encouraging nod from the h/c prompted him to continue.

"I went there to check it out myself and to talk things out with them but the ones whom let me in were the mermaids," Kyle gritted his teeth "I planned to negotiate thing with them one by one starting with them but they played me and tossed me in the lake with them. Damn Mermaids," Kyle hissed.

"So they don't really block everyone out from entering," Y/N said in which Kyle confirmed with a Yes. She raised a brow "So you want me to go up to them and stop them?" At this point,Y/N was baffled. True,she was one to save this kingdom was utter destruction, Yes she came here to help the Kingdom with no hesitations when Stan came to her. No she did not think things through. She began to think about thing but only one question came to her mind "but why?"

"Trust me," Kyle sighed. He seemed to do that a lot more today. Maybe it was Sigh Day or something "I don't want you to go through all the trouble,much less get you hurt,but it seems like we've got no other option. You've still got the abilities you've earned before,right?" Kyle asked. That was also true,she's improved. The Stick of Truth was still an uncontrollable power. At some point she accidently blasted off a bully's ass and low-key escaped. "Thats great,I'm sorry we bothered with your life in the other world-" Y/N was about to protest "but I guess it can't be helped," the sarcastic tone in Kyle's voice almsot made her want to blast him off away. He smiled amusingly at her direction,for the first time since she came back here. It felt pleasant and welcomed since Kyle was sick.

"Then you should rest up,your majesty," she mimicked and bowed playfully,causing a chuckle to escape Kyle's lips "Just leave everything to me,trust me," she said and waved him goodbye and get rest as she walked out with her enthusiastic behavior. And just like that,Kyle felt like he was already better.

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