Chapter 22

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Alright,Izumi,it's time to do some progress and think,imagine, use that imagination of yours. Summer is ending (for me) and just a week from now you have to face those horrid teens that never did anything to you but scared you to death,nonetheless


Kyle stopped suddenly,his enraged look soon washed away from his face as he stood there on a fighting stance,surprised. At first he thought it was only his mind playing tricks on him but he was proven wrong when he realized it was truly her

"Y/N?" Kyle said,turning to his shoulder to look behind him at the girl floating above,lifeless

"Ohohoho~ looks like your princess is trying to call for you," Cartman said in a teasing voice but what he said confused Kyle. How was it that he was able to hear her voice? He looked around to see that nobody bothered to stop fighting and listen "if you're confused to how,it's probably that she was able to contact you through mind by the bond that you two had years ago. When you cursed her." The Grand Wizard said as a matter-of-factly, emphasizing on the words 'cursed her'

Kyle gripped on the sword he held. He had some anger issues, that's for sure but fat-ass was really getting on his nerves. He glared at him "I didnt curse her,it was an accident,and you were there too" Kyle stated. The Grand Wizard held his cool and tried not to make his anger visible. One must know how to control emotions,leaders to be precise,to avoid lose.

"It was all your fault,you started that war,and you dragged an innocent at that too. What do you have to say for yourself,Elf King?" Kyle would've been surprised to hear the Grand Wizard call him that for the very first time without having any insults mixed with it but he didn't,this situation was too serious to be shocked by something as that. Ok,maybe to Kyle that would be worth to show surprise considering it was the first and last he heard his title from Cartman's words. Just the two words 'Elf king'

"It wasn't my fault! The power of the stick was what's caused all of this! It's power drove Princess Kenny's father to darkness,and my father was there to try and help. I was only a bystander when all of it happened" Kyle explained,those were the truth mixed with white lies. Kyle wasnt only a bystander,he also had tried to stop the king of humans from using the power of the stick to conquer all

The Grand Wizard raised a brow "were you now? I saw what you did,you held the stick- you had the stick when you were with King Alfor, then your father appeared just before the explosion"

Another flashback

"King Alfor,don't!" Kyle walked up to the king of humans. A time where everything was still peaceful, a time when humans,elves, witches, fairies and all mythical creatures still all got along before the biggest war. Kyle had spotted the King at the chamber where he and his father had agreed to hide the stick. On a little stroll inside the kingdom,Kyle had gotten lost and ended up here where he found the man,standing and holding onto the stick with such thirst look for power

The stick would've been too powerful for mortals,nonetheless you would survive after great pain and control the stick. It was quite worth it in King Alfor's eyes."Kyle,what- what are you doing here,boy?" The king uttered out with mixed feelings; anger, confusion and...relief? Kyle could not match out which it was but he knew he had to stop the king from holding the stick

"King Alfor,it is not right nor fair for you to be holding the stick. You and father had made a promise not long ago when you became royalty to never control nor touch the stick" Kyle said as politely as he could but soon regretted his words seeing the angered look on the King's face "how dare you talk back to me as if you know better?! What had your father though you?! I will do as I please, promise or no promise"

Kyle looked down to his boots,not daring to face the furious look of his father's friend. Yet he needed to do something,he quickly jumped on to the king of kupa keep,snatching the stick from the big hands of the older man. At this point,the Elf King,Kyle's father had been looking for his son and found himself wandering off to follow the loud noise which led him to the chambers "Alfor!" Screamed the Elf King. A look of terror erupted from his face seeing his son's eyes glowing faintly and standing there,looking lifeless

"What have you done?!" The Elf King asks,fearing what might happen to his beloved son "I did no such thing,the boy made a rash move and snatched the stick from my grasp" answered the king of humans " you admit,you had broken the promise we made- the sacred oath,you know the consequences for that"

"Loss for the most valuable thing of our realm,Peace" finished King Alfor "yes, our world will forever be divided in groups, no creature will get along finely with another. Forever destruction,no more trust. No more happiness" both king nod at each other,showing the other that they had gotten and understood each other. A little chubby boy had just came right around the corner and watched everything. Just right around when it exploded

Fairies, giant birds,or any creature that were flying turned heads to look at the direction where the sound came. So did the humans who were minding they're business outside the castle and the elves who were interacting with each other. The witches and gnomes stopped what they were doing to also do the same. Everyone curious at the sound that erupted from the castle all looked around in question

Kyle dropped to the ground,full of scratches and bruises. The same goes for the two kings,only that they were conscious as Cartman had fled the scene to look for princess kenny. King Alfor scrambled on the ground, looking for the stick of truth in the dark. Kyle's father picked him up and shook him carefully but hard,trying to wake him up. When he stirred awake,King Alfor had almost gotten the stick but the Elf King had beaten him to it. Taking the stick and hooking it on his son sheath and urging the now slightly concious boy to run. Tired and hurt,Kyle urged himself to run

Thunder roared, everyone had the same thought when that happened. The kings' oath has been broken,no one other than your race was to be trusted,thieves and traitors all around the land. The sky painted itself red as if to blend in with the rage and hate the people had given off

And all of the other creatures afterwards,took sides and others left to be hidden and not partake in any of the fight between the humans and elves

(Complete) Ruler of the Elven Kingdom,●Elf King Kyle x Reader●Where stories live. Discover now