Chapter 10

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Y/N POV (since in the last chap,you didn't have a POV or appeared)

Matt was kidnapped! Or...that's what I thought. He purposely went with Izumi and took the humans side,I understand since he was having a rough time here anyway. I was walking around the castle when Luke ran up to me with a big smile and an excited look in his bright green eyes "what's up,Luke?" I ask with a smile on my as the elf boy takes deep breaths until he regains his composure. He stood up straight and smiled brightly,so bright that it would put the sun to shame! Ok,someone get me some shades. I might get blinded "Miss!" He exclaimed happily

"What!?" I asked back in the same time that made him laugh a little "I have some exciting news!" He started "oh I see that" I commented before he continued "the king has a mission for you and Stan. You two will be meeting with a witch who lives deep in the forest" I raise a brow "Why?" I ask, feeling a little skeptical and frightened as I frown. Upon seeing my expression,he frantically waves around his hands while panicking and thinking of the right words to say "no! Its not a bad thing,he just wants you two to do a little errand is all!" Relief and understanding seemed to wash on me as Luke calms down

"Oh,ok then. I'll go and change,tell Kyle I want my own horse!" My eyes shone with stars as I thought about having me own horse. I look back at Luke after fantasizing and he salutes playfully. I return the gesture before we both ran to different directions to do what we do. I slam the door behind me as so ran to my closet

I took out a F/C leaf shirt with black swirls for design and triangle cuts on the sleeves and the hem of it (if your shirt is black,Imagine the swirls white). Surprisingly,the leaf shirt was durable and doesn't easily rip off,must be magic. I took a S/F/C leggings,black combat boots and wore them. Marina popped up suddenly beside me with a confused look as I look for my lucky bracelet

I wore it on my wrist. It was a gift from my friend in East Park,Anne. My whole group has this as a sign of our friendship "where are you going?" Marina ask in curiosity. I grin at her "we're going on an adventure! To the witch's house with Stan,Kyle's orders and don't worry,since you're my weapon you can come with me"

She smiled brightly as we headed out of the room and to the outside. Stan in my sight was waiting with two horses. I quicken my pace with Marina flying behind closely "there you are,I was about to do the errand myself back there" Stan said with a smile be for laughing slightly. I lightly punch his shoulder whilst laughing with him "lets go?" He handed me my horse as I whispered "I'm gonna name you... Pinkie pie". Stan hears and laughed "you can't possibly name it that! It might not like it"

I pout before making it something else "then how about Sven? Wind? Nigh? I suck at naming things" I have up before looking at the horse in the eyes "don't worry,I'll think of something" I reassure it before softly patting it. I got on and took a glance at the window that leads to Kyle's room. I saw him waving at me and mouthing a 'be careful' I wave back as Marina hopped inside my backpack. Me and Stan left the kingdom and head deep into the forest "so...what are we suppose to do?" I ask,glancing at him once in a while to check where I was going "to the witch,he's an ally of ours since a long time"

"Oh," the ride continued in silence as we got to a darker part of the forest. The trees covered any light that came in,fogs crawled on the ground as the place have a creepy aura. The creepy aura looks neat though! We slowed down,careful to look where we're going until we finally spotted a cabin. Stan tied the horses to the fence as I walk to the porch. The floorboards creak with every step I took. I glance at the corner of my eye,a little spooked at the place "hey," I yelp and jumped a little. I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed it was Stan "nothing to be afraid of" he said before walking up to the door. Marina flew out of my backpack and gave me a look of concern "I felt a bit odd and figured you were probably scared" she said as I gave her a look of confusion "what do you mean?" I ask

"Well,since you're my miester,we have sort of a connection so when we're in some sort of trouble,we'll know" she explained and I made an 'oh' on my mouth. Stan knocked on the door and it freaked open,he pushed it through all the way and let himself in. Me being a little scared, followed quickly behind him. The place was dark until I heard a snap of fingers as the room was lighted up "well well well,look who we have here! Its the Elf King's best warrior, Stan! He even bought company" a voice said as a figure appeared in black smoke "welcome!" He said

He had white hair,similar to Luke, only it were spiky and his eyes were blood red " resemble with someone I know" I said as Stan chuckles "he's Luke's twin brother, Evan" my mouth slightly agape as I stutter out "b-but,looks an elf...?" "Yeah,long story short,they're half brothers. Cursed by the a forbidden love their parents had" Stan said as I had a look of understanding

"Yeah,enough about me,what about you miss?" He ask,taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. I blush slightly ad the fear subsided,he's just a kind gentleman..witch or whatever "well I'm Y/N,I'm not from here and just stumbled through the gates of this world yours" I said as He lets go of my hand and turns to Stan

"So,do you have it?" He ask,holding out his hand to him as Stan gave him a pouch "the kind of mushrooms that only the elves can grow"

Evan took them eagerly and threw them into a pot as it explodes slightly "by the way,the bard is here with me" A mandolin played from the background as a boy with crutches came in. "H-hey y-you g-guys" he said. Stan leans to my ear a little "he has Speech disorders". "So what are you guys up to next?" Evan asked "we were about to head back to the kingdom. Bard,you coming?" Stan asks,referring to the guy called Bard

"S-sure,w-why n-not. I-I was h-heading b-b-b-back any-w-w-w-w-way" he said

I climb on my horse as Marina sat on my shoulder "hold tight" I told her as she did. The bard rode with Stan as we head back to the kingdom. The bushes suddenly rattled as we halt our horses "what-what was that?" I furrow my eyebrows a keen eye on my surroundings. A shadow flashed across us and continued around us "Bard..." I heard Stan said as the bard took his mandolin and started playing

The music enchanting as the shadow stops and screeches an ear piercing sound. I cover my ear along with Stan as the Bard keeps playing until the shadow disappeared into thin air "wow" I let out,amazed at what just happened "I can destroy creatures that lurks in the darkness and kills other beings in silent with my magical songs of enchant-....magical songs of enchant.....magical songs of enchant.... magical songs of enchantment"

I flap my hands at him "thats a cool magic,Bard! I can play the (F/I),maybe we can start a band someday" I laugh slightly "a band?" He ask "yeah! Like a group of musicians playing together" I said as we started to go back to out track (pun intended)

"Yeah sure,t-that would be f-f-fun!" The bard smiled,showing his braces as I return it. We finally made it back to the kingdom safely


YAY,aren't I so happy I made it early! Updates will come in more oftenly since tomorrow is A Weekend! Aaannndd next week will be our exam so if I manage to survive until then. I'm free from school! And summer is just right around the corner! Ciao

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