A Heavy-Handed Argument

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"Father, please! Reconsider!" Kiara implored. Simba kept his eyes on the figure in the distance, he watched it shrink. "You will not go anywhere without the escorts of Amira or Auni." He muttered under his breath. Kiara couldn't believe the names she herd. Her childhood best friends. "No!" She stepped forward. Simba glared at her in vexation. "He's following in Scar's paw prints." Simba couldn't believe how blind his daughter was. "You don't know him!" She called out. He expected her to shut her mouth by now. "Listen princess. You can either do this the easy way or the hard way. You can stay in the cave for as long as you like, or you can be a queen and forget him- because you will never have my blessing with him!" He began to grit his teeth and snap at his cub. "Fine! I don't want to see your face again anyways!" She stormed away. "Good! Scram!" It was like he wasn't controlling himself. His traditional formal self would have never been so immature to shout.

As the remaining lionesses scattered to go back to their normal routines of sleeping, grooming themselves and their cubs, and sun bathing until they need to hunt for dinner. "Simba what is wrong with you!" Nala began her lecture. "He deceived me. He's a traitor. I'm protecting our daughter." He barked. "It could be a misunderstanding! Where do you think he got that scar on his face?" She attempted to reason. "He's a traitor." He denied and made his way down his platform to go on patrol. "You can't run away from your problems to sole them!" Nala called after him. "Hakuna Matata!" He responded, sending her to roll her eyes.

"We'll be with her.." Amira and Auni bowed before proceeding to enter the cave.

As Kiara bawled on the ground, her head jerked up when she heard a small scuff to the dust and pebbles. She saw Amira- a lioness who was a colour slightly darker than Kovu, with an almost black stripe on her head. She had grey eyes that would hypnotise anyone trying to challenge her, ironic since she was the fighter- alongside Nala. Beside her she saw Auni, a lion she looked up to as the brother she never had. He had a thick black mane, having a white strip near the front of his face and a light grey body, his eyes were a deep blue- though despite his beauty, he was a lion that Simba kept under his wing due to his power and intelligence.

Though as much as Kiara loved both of her friends, she wasn't willing to see a lion near her. Reminding herself too much of how harsh her father was being. "Out! Now!" She screamed, straining her voice so much that it screeched. The pair was too intimidated to disobey the princess, and raced to exit the cave. She collapsed back to the dense ground to continue grieving.

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