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On the way to war, the lionesses dragged their feet. Some weaker than others, they haven't fought in years. The brave lionesses that fought during the end of Scar's reign had died of exhaustion and of the drought, if only the land healed quicker. Though not all the lionesses said their prayers and kissed their lives goodbye. The king and queen had been grieving their daughter's disappearance.


Simba had been away from the pride, patrolling the lands that his lionesses and cubs relaxed in; living a free and careless life. The oldest cubs of the pride lands weren't quite ready to lay in the sun with their role models. Kopa, Vitani, Amira, and Auni. The best friends of the pride that were admired. They could go out and play until the sun set. Not today. While the cubs had all normally played, Kopa had strayed away from his friends for a break to greet his new little sister.

Over the two weeks that Kiara had been alive, Nala had formulated her own clock in her head. She made intense eye contact with the opening of the cave, seeing her son skip inside holding a flower. Though normally he mingled with the other lionesses, ever since Kiara was born he'd come running, ignoring the other lionesses wanting to greet him.

He towered over his little sister, placing down the flower. The corners of his mouth spread out, flashing his teeth. "I brought her the flower she wanted!" He jumped, excited for his achievement. "Very nice." Nala praised and looked down at her new cub who attempted to suckle milk from the petals, then swing her paws up at Kopa. She admired his bright coat resembling the sun to her, and saw the brown tuft over his head as a trophy being held above her head.

"What should I bring her next?" Kopa hit his head against her neck and giggled from excitement. "I don't know, maybe a butterfly." She gently dismissed. "I'm gonna go find my friends again." He turned away. A lioness lying nearby with her newborn cub had gotten up. "I'll take you." Zira smiled. "I'll be fine!" He refused. "Kopa it's starting to get a little late, I'd rather you not be alone." Nala warned. Kopa groaned but still followed Zira with a tiny frown he was trying to hide from her.

Slowly as the time passed, they were out of sight, and Zira's glare at the cub intensified to start locking her target. The sight of a cub happily frolicking taunted her, he was stepping on dirt belonging to Scar, and he took it for granted. The environment around her began to blur, and her victim was the only thing she cared about. For Scar. "Look there's one!" Kopa leapt for a butterfly. "Yes.. There it is." Zira grit her teeth, lowering herself closer. Just as Kopa sprung off the ground, her jaws gripped onto his hind legs, sending him to slam into the ground  along with a chunk of her ear wedged between the cub's teeth.

His screams went nowhere, his fate was unmistakable, and after minutes of a struggle he'd had enough of screaming and kicking.


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Simba paced, the cubs had come back to settle down for the night already. He stood over his land, observing his hard earned land. He finally spotted a figure attempting to enter the cave unnoticed. "Zira." His bold voice snapped, keeping her in one place. He observed his crime scene. "Where is my son." He demanded an answer. She turned to him and bowed. "Your majesty I tried to protect him.." She pretended to cry. "Is that blood on your teeth?" He lifted an eyebrow. She squinted her eyes shut. "I call for trail!" He roared, the lionesses and cubs all gathered.

The trail had gone on with Zira denying everything as an attempt to get close to Kiara later on. "Last chance Zira." Simba warned. The fresh breeze combed through his mane, his large figure intimidated her at the time. "Very well.." She scoffed. "I murdered prince Kopa. He taunted me! Prancing about on Scar's land! ungrateful!" She finally confessed. Simba was struck with more emotion. Pain, sadness, betrayal. "I don't want to see your face around her. Not you, not your followers! Your return is punishable by death... This goes for your cubs too.." He whispered the last part while proudly announcing the rest.

Vitani watched her mother confess, her mouth forced opened. Her best friend? Dead? "Mother please tell me you didn't really kill him!" She begged as her mother was about to scruff Kovu. "Well I did." Zira spat, taking three quarters of the pride on her shoulders.


Years ago. Scar's reign.

"What happened to the pride lands?" Mheetu cringed beside his older sister. "I don't know." Nala whispered as they avoided the hyenas with the cover behind rocks. The cubs were aware of their fate if they dared making noise. "Man it was better wh-" "Shut up!" Nala hissed. "You know what would happen if we said it." She widened her eyes at him. "Pay attention cow lick, this is serious." She hushed after he opened his mouth to talk- she gestured to his hair pointing and fuzzing at the top. "I'm just saying it was so much better when Mufasa was the king. It's luxury compared to now." He shrugged carelessly. Nala gasped and stared up as a figure glaring down at her brother. He turned around and instantly bowed. "Say it again I dare you." Scar ducked down. "Y-y-your majesty." Mheetu stuttered. "You know the penalty!" Scar roared, holding the cub down. "No! Please! It was y fault!" Nala tried to defend him, it was like she was talking to a tree. Her words went nowhere. When she tried to stop him, he'd thrown her off. There was no hope.

 There was no hope

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