It's Settled

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Only hours ago had the couple been pronounced wed. The crack of dawn Kovu was first awake, a habit that remained with him since being an outlander. His life had come to peace. The Pride wasn't perfect, it was never going to be perfect but this moment was perfect. He wanted to re-live this moment forever. A moment of peace and quiet while still having his mate resting. He could no longer care for Zira haunting him every step he takes, he could no longer worry about rogues trying to claim Kiara when he wasn't watching, or pesky hyenas and vultures nipping at his hard earned meal.

He observed the horizon, a scene hypnotizing him. "Beautiful, isn't it?" A surprising voice came from behind that didn't shock him the least bit anymore. He nodded to his in law beside him with his little messenger cub near him. Just as he thought his moment couldn't get any better. Silent company. This was the peak of the pride lands since king Mohatu's reign. Animals grazed the lands, there were leftovers for everyone but best of all a calm piece of mind, this was to bring much peace amongst the savannah.

Hope you enjoyed the book, I know this is a bit of a random ending but I didn't just want to leave it at them getting excited over tying the knot. As you ca tell, I don't really do endings really well.. I also scratched the previous idea, it seemed like a better idea for another sequel. Thanks for your time!

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