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6 Months Later, Update: The lionesses had a decent clutch of cubs. Most looked similar to the cubs who perished at the war. With the little 'hairballs' as Scar called them, Vitani was more and more tempted to tell Kopa her news.

(I don't normally introduce characters like this but bare with me)

Ahadi- Female, named after a previous king of the pride. Tempted to rough house, and mock other cubs to toughen them up. Grey eyes, darker tan pelt, and has a 'cowlick' on her head.

Hashaan- Male, the sassy cub, lacks all self awareness and speaks his mind at all costs regardless. Hates affection, and sees himself as cool. Green eyes, light mane. A cub version of Mheetu

Hami- Male, he shows off the worst accomplishments and makes everyone seem below him by bragging about irrelevant things, but still looks lovable enough to not be slapped. Blue eyes, sandy coat.

Hediye- Female, Simba's favourite. The smart independent cub, Simba's messenger. Almost a clone of Tabia. Exotic Red/Brown eyes like Simba's, has long bangs , and a pelt colour of a tan like Simba's.

Adea- Female, polite and cowardly. Shy and sweet, if she's not playing with the cubs, she's cuddling with the lionesses. Blue eyes, pale mane.

Amana- Pushy twin of Adea, asks obnoxious questions. Brown eyes, almost dark brown mane.

Okay on with the story now..

Vitani lay across the field enjoying the sun. She heard cubs run and giggle, when she cracked open her eye she saw them hopping and chasing a grasshopper. "Look guys! It's her! She's the prince's mate!" Hami squealed, all the cubs tied themselves up in a knot after being so excited. Vitani lifted her head up, and slid to lie on her side.

Vitani looked at them and smiled, inviting them to join her on a quiet evening. Suddenly their bubbly energy had become a calm walk. "Good evening!" Hediye greeted. "Evening guys." Vitani giggled as the cubs climbed all over her. "You know miss.. You're getting FAT." Hashaan kept tapping her stomach. "Too much buffalo. You are what you eat!" He giggled at the end. "I'm not fat you di- Ahem. I mean, I'm not fat. I'm pregnant." She was about to curse at the cub. "Is it a boy or a girl?" Adea purred against the expected. "I don't know, I haven't seen Rafiki yet.. I've been hiding it form everyone for the past month.." She already finished a third of her pregnancy. "But why?" Amana asked in her annoying nasally voice. "I'm scared they won't accept me.." Vitani squeaked. "I heard that." Rafiki slammed his stick on the ground, the cubs all screamed and slid under Vitani.

Rafiki laughed like the crackhead he was. "Oh Vitani, the prince would be happy to father your cubs." Rafiki smiled and proceeded to check up on how many cubs Vitani was expecting. "What about the king? He has the power to banish me or try and execute me!" She shuddered with tears in her eyes. "Expecting twins." Rafiki cracked open a coconut and drew a stripe across where the cubs were. "Why would the king try and kill you? Many other lionesses had cubs." Rafiki continued and took a bite of his coconut. "Oh I don't know!" Vitani paced, the cubs followed her at her heels. 

"What's wrong?" Kopa asked from behind her. Vitani jumped. "Tani, are you okay?" He asked his mate that was now on the ground. "Ooouuuhhh! She's in trouble!" The cubs giggled. "Shut up guys." Hediye hissed. "What? Am I missing something here?" He looked at the cubs then back at Vitani that hid her face from him. "What are you hiding from me?" Kopa interrogated, he began losing patience. "I.. I..." Vitani pushed herself off the ground. "Kopa, we're expecting." She squeaked. Kopa's eyes widened and his jaw fell open. "Uh oh!" Amana giggled as ran away with all the cubs.

Kopa jumped and kicked in the air, "Woohoo! I'm gonna be a dad!" He laughed, rolling in the loose grass. Relief washed over Vitani. She thought this would happen-

"Kopa.. I'm pregnant!" She smiled. "What?" He grit his teeth. "We're expecting.." She lowered her head and arched her back. "I don't want cubs! I want you gone! Now!" He hit her.

She shook off the fur and looked at her mate that was still rolling in the grass with loose grass stuck in his mane.

"He'd be such a good father."

"He looks so cute when he's happy!"

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