The Fall of Pride Rock

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As soon as the pride lay foot on war soil, it began to rain bullets. The king paced before the enemy and his pride. He made intense eye contact with his rival who sat on the top of a rock, making her look stronger. The pride lionesses stared down the outsiders, they hadn't wished to cross paths with them at any cost. "Last chance Zira, go home." Simba looked up at her, he offered her a final warning to surrender before bloodshed. His nemesis only smiled widely. "I am home." She chuckled and scanned his lionesses, they didn't have the fighting experience. They looked like a joke near the bulky lionesses. Only seconds of silent tension passed until Zira's roar marked the beginning of the war. "Attack!" She almost cheered.

The bloodbath waste no time to start. It consumed an invisible circumference to the land, warning away all animal residents. Soldiers left and right mauling each other, left and right the lionesses dropped to the ground. The king quickly realized his defense had fallen, he had to take matters into his own hands, he began to fight with his loyal subjects.

Nala was in hot water with Vitani, both being the strongest of their prides they were at each other's throats. Vitani- hence the name meaning Devil decided to push her buttons. "Where's your pretty daughter Nala?" She taunted. To mock the royal heir sent Nala from tense to an exploding bomb. In her outrage, she tackled Vitani, and sunk her teeth into her shoulder. A reflex forced Vitani to spasm, flicking herself left and right desperate to get the queen off her. Her roars were muffled by the other lionesses. She began to kick her hind legs at the queen, who was one step ahead. In an instant, she was flung to the side and slipped over a cliff. Nobody had noticed her distress.

"Mother!" The young lioness called her caregiver who happened to be nearby, stalking her punching bag. "Mother, help me!" She begged, but her mother stared at her with cold eyes. First making eye contact with her cub, then glancing at her shoulder. Blood oozed out of her injury. "If you cannot fight.. you are useless to me." Zira muttered under her breath. "What? No!" Vitani gasped in disbelief. She was the most loyal soldier that Zira possessed, years of loyalty and she saw Zira turn her back and go on to attack Simba. Vitani was left with on arm clinging to the mountain, saying her final prayers as she was slowly sliding down to the gorge holding dark secrets keeping her terrified of her death.

Hey, sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been so uninspired and felt like my writing was unwanted and bad, but I'm back with more inspiration. More chapters to come soon!

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