Catching Up With The Family

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"Oh! What about Kiara?" Kopa anxiously asked as everyone got up for the morning. Simba flinched and lowered his head inches from the ground, he pulled his head away when he heard Nala utter the words- "She's gone.." Kopa jerked his head to the right to gasp in his mother's direction. "What?" His eyes widened. "Kopa, she ran away. After Kovu was exiled she was fed up of her limits and left." Nala squeaked to hold back her crying. "It was my fault.." Simba's words became a mangled whisper.

"We have to go find her!" Kopa jumped ahead of himself. "Slow your role kiddo." Simba finally looked up. "She's good as dead out there anyways. She could never make it alive past the first hour. We saw paw prints a few miles from the boarders and blood splattered across a rock beside the crime scene." They were unaware of the blood being that of an impala.

"Your majesty-" Rafiki attempted to say. "Simba." He corrected once more. "Simba.. You must understand you were being protective because-" "Oh, who cares? My daughter and throne, both are gone." He shamefully admitted. "But you must learn to see past that if you want your life back. You can have your land back. Living in despair will not help you, you remember rogue life before.." Rafiki warned.

"Tell me more about.. Kovu." Kopa tried to lift off the stress. "I'll tell ya'! He's a traitor! He tried to attack me." Simba spat. "He loved our daughter!" Nala hushed. "He used her to get to me!" He stomped. "He made her happy." She objected, ending the subject. "Let me get this straight, dad get rid of Kovu, and Kiara ran away to find him?" Kopa confirmed. Nala nodded and glanced at her partner that collapsed on the ground and wailed. "Get up! You're not accomplishing anything like that!" Rafiki smacked Simba on the head with his stick. "Easy for you to say Jackie Chan." Simba stuttered between with crying. "Simba you're not helping by flopping like a pillow." Mheetu's words only raised the volume of Simba's wails and cries.

Everyone rolled their eyes. "I'll get us a bite to eat.." Kopa left. "By the way, get a room!" He joked at his friends nuzzling of love on the side. He stalked a herd of buffalo that was on the move to slowly graze the grasslands, just beside a cliff. He noticed them start to put of their guard and chase something.

Now was his chance, he jumped on the backs of each buffalo to snatch a calf. He was inches away from claiming his prize, when something pulled him back. A loud blood curdling scream, begging for help from god and the universe. He saw paws over the cliff.

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