Family Reunion

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As the day became night, everyone began to lose hope, their trotting had gone to dragging their feet across the terrain. Their paws were badly beat, they were thirsty because Kopa forbid a break, and their muscles were strained. "Kopa.. They're probably dead.." Mheetu frowned. "No!" He sniffled, remaining faced away from everyone, he refused to let them see his weakness. "No. They're out there somewhere. We have to find them. We have to get the pride lands back. I need to see my sister again." He refused.

Everyone exchanged looks. "I'm sorry your majesty, I'm far too tired to continue flying. We have no choice but to settle for the night." Zazu set on Mheetu's shoulder. Kopa looked back at everyone who was exhausted. He sighed. "Alright. We can settle down for the night." He frowned. They all collapsed on the ground, getting comfortable quickly. As everyone quickly floated to slumber, Kopa remained awake.

"Maybe just 5 minutes.."  He decided to stray off for a little bit. As he wandered about the unclaimed land, he got more and more observant of his surroundings in case of an attack from any other rogue male. He felt the breeze, the soothing humidity, and the pleasant fragrance of impala lilies around him.

He then heard small crying and mumbling that caught his attention. He forgot that he should be heading back. Who was it crying? Did they need his help? The closer he got to his target the more clear their mumbling got.

"My babies.." A sensitive female voice sobbed. "They're both gone.. It's all my fault.." He head it flinch, tense up, then continue crying after choking up. Her voice sounded too familiar, it sounded like her voice was being stretched higher than normal. Kopa turned away from the tree he hid behind. "Hello?" He desperately called the voice in need only to get a harsh growl.

"Who's there! Show yourself you little coward!" The figure arched it's back and spun in circles. Kopa approached. "I'm here." He held his breath. The figure was that of a lioness, bulky and strong however. The strong guard  suddenly melted away, she panicked and attempted to run. "No! Wait!" He reflected upon his thoughts to see where he heard a graceful voice like hers'. "Mom! It's me!" He begged. The lioness froze in place and looked back at him, testing him for fraud. "What is your name." He saw tears sparkle, and in the angel he saw his mother looking into his eyes. "Kopa." He exhaled, he didn't think she would accept him.

"My son!" She gasped of relief and pushed herself into his mane to cry. It worked wonders to muffle her wails. "I missed you so much! We all love you!" She shook her head to go deeper into his thick mane. "I missed you too.." Kopa smiled, but their happy moment came to an end. There was a loud roar, and something struck Kopa across the face. He slammed to the ground onto his back. He raised his head from the ground and turned to his side.

A lion stood over him, he looked familiar with bright red mane and exotic red eyes. "Simba lay off him he's o-" "How long have you been cheating!" He growled and snapped. "He's our son!" She screamed over him. He froze. Kopa just stared up at them and got to his feet.

"No no no.. Our son was murdered." Simba panicked and stepped back. "I'm here! And I was raised by uncle Mheetu, Zazu, Timon, and Pumbaa were also with me and- Mom dad, we thought your were dead!" Kopa explained, panting at the end from talking so fast and loud. "All these years.. Why didn't you-" "Kopa!" "Kopa?" He heard a search party for him go on. "Over here!" He hollered back.

"Who's that?" Nala's eyes widened. "Uncle." She was shaking. "No! I saw him die! I was watching!" Nala broke down to tears. "Oh but I'm here." Mheetu went to her. "I saw you die!" She sobbed in her little brother's mane. "I missed you cowlick!" She cried.

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