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Tragedies come when you least expect them to. Terrible things happen on normal days. Bad news hits you on the day you decided would be a good one. You have no control over when the life you built for yourself will come crashing down on you. You can't stop the pain and suffering, you just go through it hoping you survive and come out happy in the end. When I woke up this morning I felt light, happy. Like nothing could get me inside of the walls of my apartment. I was safe and sound. I wanted today to be a good day, a happy day, but I guess not everyone gets what they want.

"Hey Kat." A voice said as my door opened and closed. I glanced over the couch to see Jason walking in carrying a small box.

"What's that?" I asked, standing up and walking with him to the kitchen. He shrugged and tossed it to me. The box had my name on it, written in red marker. The writing looked weirdly familiar, in boyish scribble scrabble. I glanced at Jason who was looking for food in my fridge. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a knife, cutting open the box. I frowned as I stared down, the box was empty except for a simple envelop. I glanced back at Jason but he was too busy filling his mouth with the rest of my vanilla yogurt. I grabbed the envelope and opened it slowly.


It's been days since the auction at your lovely new school. I have to say, it was rather easy to find your loft, though it's not a surprise. You look as dashing as ever, darling. And that dress you were wearing surely did your body some good, its quite obvious you've been losing weight finally. It's too bad I wasn't willing to spend more money on a poor thing like you, or else you'd be mine at prom. Oh well, you'll still be mine at prom, I'll finally have the chance to get my justice, the justice I deserve. Lovely seeing you after all these years, can't wait for prom, wear something red.

Sincerely, Carter.

I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. Everything around me felt like it was moving at a fast pace, giving me no time to let the information sink in.

Carter knows where I live.

He's coming to prom.

Is this letter a threat? Of course it is, after all its from Carter. What am I going to do now? I have to go to prom or I'd be forced to pay back the money. I don't have that kind of money, and I couldn't ask my mom for it. Suddenly realization hit me, and I dropped the letter quickly.

"Jason where the hell did you get this box?" I snapped, grabbing the box and inspecting it. I started to rip it up and throw it in the trash, but left the letter on the floor. I didn't want to touch it, I couldn't. He had touched it. I felt like my hands were dirty. I quickly grabbed my soap and washed my hands, getting him off of me.

"It was outside of your door.. what's wrong?" He asked, rushing over to me. I felt like my head was spinning, I needed to get him out of here.

"N-nothing I'm just going to take a nap, I'll see you at school tommorow, okay? Bye." I smiled at him as I pushed him out the door, locking it behind me. I couldn't tell anyone about the letter, that'd mean I had to tell them about everything that happened leading up to the incident a few years ago.  I couldn't risk anyone finding out about what happened, everyone would look at me differently. If anyone knew, it would change everything. The life I built for myself here, the fresh start. It would all go away. I ran to the bathroom, feeling the need to vomit. I leaned over the toilet, letting out the contents of my stomach. When I was finished, I walked to my room and laid down.

I know what Carter is capable of, and it scares me knowing that I have to deal with this on my own. I can't tell anyone, even if I wanted to. Nobody can get hurt because of me, not this time, not again.

Nathan pov

"Jessica listen, we had a good time but we have to stop now." I said as I walked Jessica to the elevator. She showed up at my house again, begging for me back. This is why I can't have one night stands with high school girls, they're too clingy.

"You're such a jerk, Nathan!" She screamed, slapping me in the cheek before rushing off, tears streaming down her face. I sighed and shook my head, walking back to my apartment. I was about to open the door when I heard screams coming from across the hall. I looked around before realizing they were coming from Katherines loft. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open.

"STOP PLEASE STOP LET ME GO!" I heard her scream, and before I could think about it I lifted my foot, kicking the door wide open. I ran inside looking around, before finding Katherine laying in bed, thrashing around screaming. She was having a nightmare. "CARTER PLEASE, STOP!" She yelled again, and I rushed over to her.

"Katherine, Katherine wake up!" I grabbed her shoulders and tried to wake her. Her eyes shot open and she started to hit me, not realizing who it was. "Katherine, Katherine it's me Nathan!" I yelled, grabbing her arms to stop her. She looked at me weirdly, and I let go of her arms once she calmed down. Her eyes were red and puffy, she looked completely lost.

"W-what happened? How'd you get in?" She asked, looking around frantically.

"Yeah about that.." I scratched the back of my neck and laughed nervously, "I had to break the door down.." I trailed off, looking at her carefully. I wanted to know what she was dreaming about, but I knew she wouldn't tell me so I wasn't going to ask. It wasn't my business anyway, if it was anybody's business it's her dumb boyfriends. Honestly I don't even know what she seems in him. He doesn't even notice her the way he should, he doesn't even pay attention to her the way he should.

I just wanted to know who the hell  Carter is, and why is she dreaming about him? Is he the guy she saw at the auction? If so, why is she so afraid of him and why won't she tell anyone?

"You what?" She asked, but didn't freak out and hit me like I expected her to. She just looked scared, like everything bad in the world could get her now.

"Don't worry, I'll get it fixed I promise." I assured her, standing up from beside her bed. "Anyways, now that I know you're okay I'm going to leave." I turned around to leave but her small voice called me back.

"Wait" she called out. I turned around and raised my eyebrows at her. "Will you stay, please?" She asked barley above a whisper. I wanted to say no, to go home and sleep in my own bed, but the look on her face made me say otherwise. Her eyes held so much fear, and worry. Apart of me didn't want to leave her alone. I sighed and nodded, walking back to the bed. She scooted over so I could lay down. I took off my shoes and laid down facing her. "Thank you." She gave me a small smile, closing her eyes.

"Anytime." I whispered. I laid there staring at her for a few seconds, trying to figure her out. She was so secretive at times, but at other times so open. She confused the hell out of me.

"Nathan?" She mumbled sleepily, not opening her eyes.


"Stop staring at me, it's creepy." She mumbled sleepily, smiling slightly. I chuckled and shook my head, lifting my hand to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Never." I whispered, and she smiled lightly, scooting a bit closer to me as she slept.

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