Chapter 1:A Cold Blooded Girl..

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MIKASA ACKERMAN got up from her sleep late in the morning.The clock shows around past 7.She got up and get ready to school and eat some breakfast she cooked by herself.She lives alone in an apartment near her school.

She got a worst parst.Her parents got killed in front of her eyes by a robber and she lives alone for this past years at the orphanage until she got 17.She do some part time job to pay for her life and use some money that her taker at the orphanage give.With that much,she can live a normal live by herself.As a thanks,she help her taker do some chores at the orphanage.

She got a dream that she wants to achieve.For example,she wants to study hard and get a job with a luxury pays that can she give back that she borrows from her taker and to live.Well,her dreams is almost coming true by her result in the top at school for academic and sports.She is also known as perfect by other students and also by the teachers at school.

At school,she is silent,cold heart,cold blood person.She doesn't like people from talking to her since they are annoying for disturbing her from studying.From her elementary school to high school,she has got no friends.Because she doesn't want to.

Mikasa wears her shoes,locks the door and begins walking to her school.


Mikasa enters her class,2-2 and go to her sit at the most back and the most corner of the class near the windows.She sits and put out her exercise and note book to study before the teacher enter.

Then,she hears the door being open and she got up.All of the students greet the teacher and bow.Then,they sit again.

Mikasa puts her books for the subject and she heard the girls of her class fangirling over something.Curious,she looks in front and saw a boy with a browny black hair with a greenish yellow eyes besides the teacher.'handsome?' That's the first thing Mikasa thought when she analysis why the girls was screaming.

'Hello everyone.I'm a new student int this class.My name is Eren Jaeger from Maria High School at Wall Maria from south.It's nice to meet you guys and I hope we can become friends."The person name Jaeger smiles while introducing herself and this makes the girls scream more.

Mikasa glances at them with an annnoying serious face.They are so annoying to be so noisy.All that she wants right now is for them to keep quiet to make sure she can concentrate in class and focus to what the teacher is teaching.Many recognize her stares and become silent.This make the new student look at her.

Their eyes meet..and..


I gasps.My eyes  look at her eyes nervously.My heart beats so fast that I can almost breath looking at her deep and dark eyes,that shows her sadness.My face becomes hot each second and I can't stop from staring at her.She still doesn't move her eyes and same goes me.We stare at each other and I gulp looking at her expressionless face that feels nothing looking me.She looks boring and her eyebrows twitch when she realizes I don't stop staring.Her face looks mad.Realize what I'm doing,I quickly run my eyes somewhere.

'God,What am I doing?!I'm so embarassed that I think I almost die!Now,everyone is looking at me!Shit,this isn't me.I'm a cool,gentleman and caring man and I never lose to any girls in staring.And now someone has beats me and it is my first day!What's happening!!' I got mad to myself in my heart.This is really killing me.

I cough a little and try to cover up my embarrasment.Well,I'm not blushing looking at her so I'm sure that everyone will think that I'm looking at her weird behavior who glare at someone else.

I smile again and I ask, "Where should I sit,Levi-sensei?" I ask as the others just look at me.Levi-sensei have a clipped hair and looks always furrowing her eyebrows to scare his students maybe?Well,he's handsome so I guess he must be pretty popular somehow.

"Well,there's only one empty place there.You can sit there Jaeger,"he replies and I smiles widely from my heart.After saying thanks,I quickly go to my place and put my bag on the desk.I stare at her and she looks so focus to her book.'Book worm' came across my head and that's the first thing I learn about her.I guess she must be quite a nerd.

"Hey there.I'm Eren Jaeger.How 'bout you?"I ask when Levi-sensei is writing on the board.Somehow,I feel like I'm interested in this girl.Is this what they would call 'love'?

"I didn't ask for your name didnt I?So I won't tell my name either,"she answers and this makes my heart broke and happy at the same time.Broken because I think she looks like she doesn't insterested in me and happy because she is unapproachable.That means this girl must not have a boyfriend either a friend.I must be the first one to spproach her.I'm so happy that I can be her first friend and soon her first boyfriend and then we can get married.Ops,I've gone too far.

I smile."But I tell you my name so I guess you'll tell me your name as a give and take?"I try again and this time I try to trap her in the corner to hear what she gonna reply.

"It's your fault for introducing yourself.I dont ask you and you burden yourself to move your mouth.It's your fault so bear it on your own,"without a flinch she replies without moving her hands and her eyes from the book.She gave me a glare as a sign for me to stop.But,it's making me want to disturb her more.

"Don't be like that,I just want to know your name.Well,we can become friends you know?" I smile at my own words.From friends to special friends.From special friends to best friends.From best friends to lover and then become a married couple.Yes!This is what I'm dreaming 'bout our relationship.


The class which is already silently become silence when she screamed at me.I stunned and become worried for making her mad for our first met and our first conversation.This will make her hate me more.

Everyone stare at her especially Levi-sensei who is raising her eyebrows,asking for answers.

"So,Jaeger,what did you do to make the top student in school mad?If you want to approach her,I suggest you don't do it cause you'll will give up since she's a cold blooded girl.You brat make a mistake on your first day,"Levi-sensei looks at me while crossing his arms on his chest.I just smile awkwardly hearing to his confession.

Looks like this teacher knows this girl more than me.Well,he's a teacher so I guess he must know his students pretty well but why did I feel so jealous?I never feel this this way before.

And I feel so angry for not knowing this girl for a long time.If I were to transfer here early,I must've know her better.A despression flows over me.

"I'm sorry sir,but I just want to ask for her name but she doesn't want to tell me and I keep asking her so it became like this,"I try to explain the situation and then the students all scream in fear.

What?what're they doing?what are they terrified for?

"Really?You forced her Jaeger?You're unbelievable!" A girl with a red browny hair and red browny eyes with a potato in her hand got up and stares at me with a blink eyes.

I flitched looking at her before someone else interrupted.

"I think you have a death wish,Jaeger" A person who is bald says while laughing.This makes my face more green.Not because I'm scare but because I'm mad.They mocked my crush?How dare you.

"You're brave,Jaeger!"

"Yeah you are!"

"No one have ever try to talk to her before," a word from a girl with a yellow hair and  dark blue eyes says while looking at me with a smile on her face.

What?why is she looking at me like that?

"Well,you're a new student so you must not know her,"A guy who is really tall and big with black hair says and look at the guys who has a yellow hair and a big body beside him.Both of them nod agreeing at those says.


"Silents,you brats!Who gives you chance to talk?I just asked Jaeger and most of the class answers.Just how many Jaeger in this class?"Levi-sensei strts furrowing her eyebrows making te students froze in fear.I look at the girl face and she just continuing her exercise.Don't tell me she's been ignoring all of us all this time?!Really?

Levi-sensei continues teaching when the class become more peaceful and our lecture continue again while I can't stop looking at her.

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