Chapter 23:Ferris Wheel

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"I got too early." Eren looks down at his watch while his other hand is in his pocket.

"Good afternoon,Eren." Mikasa appears from the crowd.

Cute.She's too cute.Eren stunned a moment looking at her appearance.

'It's just a black long loose trench coat to her knees,black sweater,black jean and sneakers,and with her scarf too but why does she look too damn cute?' Eren's eyes can't stop from staring before Mikasa mentioned his name.


Eren gasps.He clears his throat.

"Oh?You're early,Mikasa."

"You too."

"Ermm..what's that?" His eyes now look down at the papers bag in her hand.

"I made lunch for everyone." Mikasa hugs the papers before giving him a warm smile."Especially for you,Eren."


No..don't say something like that so casually to me,Mikasa.

What would you do if my heart stop right here.

You're really good at making my heart flutters.

"I want you to try again my chee burg."

Erkk..So that was her point.I force myself to smile."Did you use another recipe?"

She nods."So that's why I want to hear your opinion."

I guess that can't be helped."Okay."

"Hello,Eren and Mikasa.Sorry I'm late." Annie arrives and greet both of us.

"Hey." I smile."It's okay.Horse face is still not here."I analyze her from up till down.

She's dressing up.

"Jean,here." Mikasa waves to someone.

"Yo.Sorry I'm late." And the horse appears.

"You're late,horse!"

"Shut up,Yaeger!I'm just 10 minutes late"

"10 minutes late is still late!"

"Shut the crap,will you?" Mikasa gives both of us a death glare.


Annie laughes in confuse."So,shall we go?"

"Let's go."


Okay,we are entering the theme park now.I give a signal to Annie and she nods.

"Hey,don't you guys think this looks like a double date?" I start the plan.

"Hah?What are you talking about,horse face?" Eren says suspiciously.Oh no,he is staring to smell our plan.

I continue,"You know,Eren.Annie and you look so cute together.So why don't you guys have some time together for today?"

"Don't you think so,Mikasa?" I look at Mikasa for support.

She nods."I do think they are cute together." Aha!Good job Mikasa! Eren looks like a stone now.

"Oi,wait a second horse face.You.." Before he can finish,Mikasa interrupts.

"Now that you mention it,aren't both of you dating?" Mikasa turn to Annie beside her for answer.

Eh?Where did you hear that from,Mikasa? But this is getting great!

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