Chapter 25:I did it,You?

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Mikasa freezes.She stares into his eyes.

"What..." Her eyes widen as they stare at each other.

"What do you think of me,Mikasa?"

Eren waited for her answer.She looks away hearing that question and tries to free herself.

"W..what are you talking about" She nervously tries to get down from his lap but he is quick by
wrapping his arm around her waist.

"You don't get it?"

He brings her face closer to him with his hand.Their faces are only inches away.

"I said,I love you."

He grabs her hand and brings it to his lips.Smooching it softly.

Her eyes widen with the sudden movement but before she can do anything,he draws away his lips.


She remains silent.Waiting for his words.

"I have said already,I love you.So please,reply your answer.Tell me what you really feel about me.I will accept anything what you said."

He ends the hug and puts her down."I will wait.No matter how long it is."

He briefly gives her a smile and walks out of the door.Leaving her dazing alone in the room.


Mikasa gulps.Still nervous from what happened.She gets out of the club room and walks to her class to take her bag to go home.

'Just..what was that?' She looks down at her right hand.Where he smooched her.

In her heart,all she wishes is hoping that Eren  already went home without her.

Walks into her class,She exhales in relief when she saw no one is in the class.Moreover,there's only her bag too.

She grabs her bag and begins to walk out and just as she passed the door,Eren appears from her right.

"There you are."

She freezes."Errkkk.." She looks to her right.

He smiles."Let's go home."

Mikasa looks aside,"Y...yeah."



Both of them raise their head.


"Horse-face." Eren's eyebrows twitch in unpleasant.Pisses with the guy.

"Let's go home together." Annie approaches Eren who tries his best to give her a smile when he saw her.

"O..okay." He nods forcely.

"Let's go Mikasa." Jean gives him a smirk before turning his face to her.

"Yeah.Let's go." She nods.Somehow she is relief that Jean came.

Eren stares at them.

"Eren.Are you really okay with us joining you two?" Annie who is standing beside him touches his arm briefly.

"No.It's okay.Really." Eren puts his bag on his shoulder."Shall we go?"

She nods."Yeah." With an uneasy feeling.



Eren and Mikasa are walking in front of  us.While walking,I look at Jean.

"You know,sometimes I felt guilty to get in their way."

"You thought so?For me,as long as they don't love each other,I will keep intruding."

"You think they don't love each other?" Annie stopped walking.

"What?You thought they are?" Jean stopped too.

"Yeah.It's obvious Eren likes her.I don't know about Mikasa but I think she likes him too." Annie grips her strap bag strongly.

Jean remains silent as he watched the two who are walking ahead of them.

"I don't know..It's been a year Eren moved here yet they are still like that."

"I agree."



"So,when is the date?" To break the silence,I asked her about the date.

"Sunday,Noon.At a cafe near the station." Without looking at me she replies.

"So you're coming?"

"Yeah.She said it will be awkward if it just you two."

I grin."That's good then.As long as I'm with you
I'm okay."

She stops and look at me.

"Eren,I wonder why did you become like this suddenly." She stares into my eyes in worried.

"What?I'm always like this.It just you have never realized."

She keeps quiet.

We keep quiet.

"You know." I rub my side neck."Just now I was very mad because you helped other girl to date me.I was shock you know."

"Hrmmm?why?" Her eyes narrow a little.

I look at her before laughing."Idiot,I just said that's because I love you.I love you like crazy.I'm surprised you still didn' get it."

I don't know if it because of the sunset or not,but her face looks red.

I look beside my right."It's beautiful.The sunset."




"Satisfied now?Just like I said,they love each other already!"

He remains staring at two of them."Yeah.I'm an idiot to realize it just now."

"Yeah you are.So what are you going to do?"

"You?" He asked back.

"Me? I gave up.Just after I realize it."

"When did you realize it?"

She quiets a second."At the theme park?"

"What?That was a long time ago."


The wind replaces the silence.

"So?" She crosses her arms.

He scratches his hairs."Did you confessed to him?"

"Yeah.I got rejected."

"That's for sure."

"And I did it.You?" She looks in front again.Staring at both of their backs.

Jean follows her."We'll see."


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