Chapter 12:It's Normal

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The other classmates froze.Don't know what to do.


"Y..yes,sir!" Jean salutes while giggling.

"I knew you are the one who did it.Why you don't want to admit?"Erwin glares at him while crossing his arms.


"Clean the school garden for a week everyday for 4 hours,starting today.NOW." Erwin moves his eyeballs to the door,orders Jean to leave.

"Yes,sir!" Jean salutes.He grabs his bag and pouts.

"Jean.." Eren and Mikasa watches him walks out of the class.

Mikasa sighs,the other classmates also freeze.

Again,Jean is been punished again..


I sigh when I started to get boring with the class.I try to focus but I can't.

I take a look at Mikasa who is copying the exercise from Erwin-sensei.She looks so serious so I don't want to bother her.If not,she will get mad again

I sigh for the thousand times.Hoping that time will go faster.Erwin-sensei's class is very boring.

I take a look at Mikasa.She is rubbing her side neck while sighing.She looks boring too.

I spin my pen with my fingers when Erwin is writing on the board.

But,my fingers slip and the pen falls on the floor near Mikasa's place.

She realizes it.She looks at both the pen and me for a while before she takes it and hands the pen to me.

I smile.I stretch my hand not to take the pen,but instead I grab her wrist.I can see a question mark on her face.


I move hand near to me and kiss her back wrist.Her face confused and I can see she didn't like it.

I remove my hand and look in front again.


What a shock.It's really unpleasant for him to do like that to me.But I think it's just a normal thing people do.Remember Mikasa,you are not a sociable person so you know nothing about it.So,let us just think that it was a normal thing

I focus again although I really don't like Erwin-sensei's teaching.His teaching is really boring.

I look outside the window to see the birds flying freely.

"What will I do for lunch?Jean surely can't have lunch for today.I guess that's a cancel." I murmur to myself while resting my cheeks on my palm.

Jean,I've never talk to him.Not until today.For the first time,I talked to him and he picked a fight with me.He's kinda annoying.I don't know what he wants with me.

Then,all of the students stand up.I also stand and we salute to Erwin-sensei.He nods and get out of the class.

I sigh in relief and also in despair.Although I admit I'm really good in subject Erwin sensei's teaching although I do not pay attention to his class at all,but I still lack the knowledge in it than other subjects.

"Mikasa.Are you and Jean friends?"

I turn around to see Yaeger beside me.I shake my head.

"No.Today is the first time I ever talk to him."

He smiles and nod."Then that's a relief."

"Erwin-sensei was really mad just now huh?" Connie scratches his bald head.

"Jean is always been punished.He can be kicked from school if he always like that."Reiner frowns.

"Well,he's always like that.Not a surprise." Ymir sits on the table and crosses her leg.

"Eren,were you fighting with him because of Mikasa?" Annie draws herself close to Eren.Her face looks sad and dissapoints.

"It' not like that Annie.It's not because of me.From what I heard from their conversation,Eren and Jean just picking a fight with each other since it's been a long time they didn't meet." I quickly tell her the truth.I think that's why they fought,because it's been a long time.It just the place they fought is at my place.Coincidence,I mean.

The others except Annie sigh especially Eren who is scratching his head like he don't know what to do.

Huh?Did I say it wrong?

"Ahh,so that's how it is." Annie nods and I smile.She must be really worried about her boyfriend if she misuderstand this.

"Yeah." Eren sighes again.I just look at him uninterestedly.

"Mornin' brats!Did you finish my homework for today?" Levi-sensei gets in the class.

All of us salute and I quickly open my exercise book.

"Today,I cannot teach so I want you guys to do an exercise in page 254.And, Ackerman? Yaeger?" Levi looks around.

"Yes,sir!" Both of us salute.

"Follow me."


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