Chapter 32:I Love You.

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"Hello everyone.I'm a new student in this class.My name is Eren Yaeger from Maria High School at Wall Maria from South.It's nice to meet you guys and I hope we can become friends."

Eren's seducing smile made the whole girls in class fangirl over him,and made noise.

Mikasa gave a glare to them,as a warning for them to shut up.And managed to make all of them silent.

Eren hummed confusely at the sudden silent and look at the source of the reason.


Mikasa frowned a little when Eren stared deep into her face from far.

'What is he doing? Is he me?"


She tried to return his stare and also stared into his face,to make him scare of her.

She analyzes his face.

'His eyes..its beautiful.'

'His hairs..look so smooth.'

'His face..its so calming.'

'Those beautiful oceanish eyes,deep down look so full with sadness.And pain.'

'Wait..what am I thinking?'

Mikasa gave all her best to put on her usual bored face.But she kinda lost it when he stared at her for too long.

' heart is beating.Its beating too fast.What is wrong?'

'I feel like..burning in my face.'

'What is this?'

"Where should I sit,Levi sensei?" Eren turned around to ask Levi.

She inhaled in relief when he didn't look at her anymore.

But she began questioning herself.

'What was I doing?'

'Just what was that feeling.'

She put her hand over her chest.Remembering the beats she had second ago.

"This is weird."


I remember it very well.At that time.

That day.When I met him.

The first time our eyes met.

I have wondered about that feelings for a very long time.

And now I get it.

That I..have love him at the first time I saw him.

He has been staying together with me.Protects me.Saving me all this time.

Because of him,my world got brighter.And he makes me open my heart to others,to the real world.

He has always been supporting me.Taking care of me.And always stay by my side.

I want to tell him.What my answer is.

I want him to know.

Even if it won't change anything.

Even if I will get rejected.

Even if I will cry.

Even if I will be turned down.

Even if he won't return my feelings back.

I have to tell him.

I know I will cry hearing his answer.But it doesn't matter.

No matter what the result is,I will accept it.

As long as he is happy.

As long as we can talk again together.Laugh again together.

As long as I have him,even if as a friend.I will accept it.

Because...I love him.


Mikasa slid past the crowd and get inside the airport.She looks around to find him when suddenly she heard the familiar voice behind her.


She wasted no time and quickly turns around,try to find him.

Their eyes connected with both their pupils dilating.

"Eren!"She runs up to him,and grabs him by his muscular arms.

"I love you."


"What?" Eren eyes gleams from her words.His heart feels like stopping and can jump outside anytime.

"Eren,I love you." Mikasa said as she's panting,looking straight at his ocean like eyes while still gripping his coat tightly.

She catches her breath."I'm sorry for telling you now.But I at least I want to tell you before you go."

She gulps and give him no time to respond.

"But,I know that you have give up on me since I took too much time.But I will love you always."

Eren stuns and stares deep into her eyes."Wait.What are you.."

And she cuts him off again."Ah,don't get the wrong idea.I will let you go.Because as long you are happy,and so I am."

She beams for a moment and look at the watch on her wrist."Oh? You have about 15 minutes left.I think it's a goodb..." Suddenly Eren cut her off by hugging her tightly.

"" Her jaw d3ops and she can feels her heartbeats get crazier.

"Really?That's your answer?" He suddenly said while his face resting on her shoulder.

"Eh? Y..Yeah." She answered hesitantly.

He raised his face with some tints of pink on her cheeks.He draws a bright smile."I love you too,Mikasa.I really love you."

Her face starts getting red.She looks down at where both her and his feet are."Eren,I think you should get going.You will miss your flight."

"Hrmmm?why? Do you really want me to go?"He tilts his head while trying to look at her now cherry face.

"! That's not it.But for you to suddenly said that when you are giving up on me is a little.."

"What? Just when did I given up?" His face went blank and his lips went apart.

Her eyes blink rapidly."What do you mean?"

They confusely stare at each other.

He also gives her a question look.

"I thought you had given up on me because you want to go." She tries to explain after a brief silence.

The corner of his lips turns up hearing her answer." that's why you confess?" He snickers.

"Actually,I don't even thinking that you will think like that but that's not bad." He grins brighter and that makes her confuse more.

"Wait,wait,wait.Just what are you talking about?" She panicly asked and shakes his body for answer.

"Well.." He smirks naughtily before speaking up.


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