Chapter 28:I'm Sorry

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“Good evening!”Suddenly Eren opens the door.

Three of us freeze.

“Hrmm? What’s wrong?” He confusedly asked when the silence didn’t break.

“Oh,nothing!We’re just cleaning!” Hanji is the first one to talk.She lets out a fake laugh and continue wiping.

He shrugs and get inside.

“Hey,Mikasa.” He greets me as he sits beside me.


“I brought drinks for everyone.” He said while raising a plastic of can drinks.

“Oh! Thank you!” Hanji exclaimed as she starts examine the drinks.

She takes one and so does Levi.

“Good evening!” The senpais arrived.

“Yosh.Many have arrived.Have you guys seen Jean?” Hanji stands up from her sit and walks to a table to take the meeting’s papers.

“I’m here,Hanji-san.”

“Good!  Meeting in ten minutes.” Hanji nods seeing him.

Jean walks to where Eren and I are sitting.

“I bought you drinks,Jean.My treat.”  Eren said in monotone voice.

“Yeah. Pass me one,Mikasa.”

Suddenly there’s an odd silence in the room.

He frown,”What?”

Hanji stares at Jean while sipping her drinks and then to Eren who seems like not having emotion at all.

“Nothing.Here,Jean.” Mikasa walks to him  and give him one.

And she can hear Eren near her grunts.

She glances at Levi beside her.

“I wonder which one of  them she likes.”
Without looking at her he took a sip.” It’s obvious.”

“Really? Who is it?”

He’s not responding.

‘O…kay,he must not be in the mood.’ She thought.

She leans back against the wall and watch the students talking."I wonder why did they confessed at the same time.And both of them seems like challenging each other too.Mikasa must feel depress now."

"How did you know they confeesed at the same time,shitty glasses?"

"What?You don't know Levi? Everyone in the school know that both of them confessed to her.It's the hot topic now!Someone heard Jean confessed to her at the aquarium and then Eren appeared made the whole school is in culture shock because of their conversation and since Eren is the most popular student in school and Jean is the athlete of Horse Club,the news are raising!" She explains to him while looking at him in disbelief.

"He joined two club?"

"Well Erwin asked him to join that one since he has talent.But because he wants to join this one too so Erwin offered him both club."

He nods.”But you do know that I was absence from work since the holiday right?" His words make her freeze.

"Ah,sorry.I forgot."

He's not responding again.

She looks at three of them which are sitting together without talking.

"I think I know who she likes."

"Well,If you feel pity for Jean,then I must say the one you guess are correct."

She grins.”I guess you must be thinking the same as me.”


Mikasa sits on her chair uncomfortably while thinking.

‘Should I ask him now?’

‘ Or maybe later?’

‘No,I will do it.The faster the beteer..right?”

She turns her face to her left.”Jean?”


“Can I talk to you after the club?”

He freezes for a second before nodding.”Yeah,sure”

“Look at Eren.He looks like dog eating poop.His face looks green.” Oluo said after seeing the newbies for a while.

“I hope they will be okay.” Gunther puts down his can.

Petra nods.”Mikasa must feels depress too.”

Eld slightly closes his eyes.”Let’s just hope it will end quickly.”



“So,I guess you want to tell me your answer?” Jean looks behind him to see Mikasa.

“Yeah.” She grips her clothes uneasily.

His lips draw a bitter smile.”It’s okay,Mikasa.I know your answer already.”
“W..what?” She raises her head.Totally surprised.

“I know.That you don’t love me.I know all of this time.”

Her face turns to a disbelief expression.She tries to say something but the words can’t seem  to get out.

“But I just want you to know that I like you. I have always been.”

She looks down while gripping her clothes tighter.


“It’s okay Mikasa.It’s not your fault you don’t like me.I know it’s not mutual.”

“I’m sorry for burdening you,Mikasa.”

Mikasa raises her head while her eyebrows twitch in guilty.”No,I’m the one who should be sorry.I’m sorry,Jean.I..”

“I can’t return your feeling”

Jean’s smile weaken,”What are you apologizing for,idiot?”


“It’s okay. I get it.”

She looks down again.Don’t have any courage to look at him.

Jean exhales.

“You love him,right?”

Her eyes widen and she blushes.

He starts laughing.”That face sure is priceless.”

“I’m sorry.”

“How many times do I have to tell you,It’s okay so stop apologizing.I feel so bad for myself now.” He laughs louder while making a sign with his hand as a stop.

He stops laughing when she has no respond.

“Don’t worry Mikasa.Don’t feel guilty about  it.Just focus your love to him.”

“You know,to be told the truth,you and him looks good together.” He scratches his hairs to mess.

“So,do you best okay?” He draws a grin.

Her pupils became thinner,”Jean..”

“Ah!” He looks at his watch.”it’s late now.Let’s go home.”

He walks past her.Mikasa turns around to look at his back.

“Mikasa.” He suddenly looks back.

“Can I go home with you?”

She stunned a second a second before nodding.”Yeah,sure.”

He smiles.”Let’s go.”

She catches up to him as she stares at his back.


‘Thank you.’


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