Chapter 10:Welcome Party 3

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She didnt reply.It's become silent again.


"What is it,Yaeger?".The word Yaeger made me gasp.

"I want to apologize for today," Finally,I let out what has been bothering my mind untill now.

She finished soap the dishes and she went to my left and grab the wet plate to dry it.

"It's okay.I don't know what your reason to order me to stop the job but I don't want to care about it so it's okay.It's nothing." She arranges the dry plates carefully.

"Not only for that.But,I also want to apologize about...well you know at the sport store." I blush and look somewhere else.Dont want to see her reaction that might hurt me.

"It's okay.I also shocked but I think someone might want to greet people they don't know earnestly." Idiot,why are you dim witted Mikasa?Aren't the you first in our class? I sigh.

I exhale.That kind of kiss is just a greet to her huh? Sometimes,Its not good to be unsociable that you don't know anything about social life.We have such a good example here.

After finished cleaning the kitchen,she goes to the living room.I also follow and found out that all of them are getting ready to go home.

"Thanks for tonight Eren.It's really fun." Sasha talks with a bread in her mouth.

"Yeah,it's really fun."  I smile back.

"See you tomorrow Eren!" Ymir and Christa wave their hands to me and I wave back.

Somehow,they're too fast to leave.I thought to myself.But then I saw Reiner winks to me and look at Mikasa.

While in Bertolt's arm there's Annie who is struggling to free herself.

"Bertolt!Why are you dragging me too...!I want to stay..!"

"Shut up Annie.Just come with me."

Erkkk...I sigh

All of them leave and I can hear Annie scolding Bertolt from far.I rub my side neck and sigh.I look behind and it's only Mikasa left.

She grabs her bag,getting ready to leave.

"Thank you for tonight." She look at me straight in the eyes and I smile.

"I think it's kinda fun.To do many housework and all." Eh?she liked this party because she likes to do housework?Unbelievable.

I smirk,holding my laughter.

"Yeah." Then I realize that her neck is kinda red.Don't tell me,that's...

I bit my lower lips and become embarassed.

"Well then,see you tomorrow." She tried to leave but I quickly stop her.She looks at me confusely.

"Wait,Mikasa.Wait a minute." I quickly ran to my room to grab something.She just stare at me.

I came back with a red scarf in my hands.

"Here,it's cold tonight so use it.Don't return it back.Just take it as my present to you." I smile and hand the scarf to her.She stare at the scarf confusely.

"Did you want something?I can't accept this without any reason" She asked.Looks like she think I'm doing something for her just because I want something in reply.

"No.It' not like that."

I sigh.I open wide the scarf and start to wrap it around her neck.She just silent and I wrap it slowly to appreciate this moment.

"Just think of this scarf as a gift for our friendship." I smile at her.She looks at the scarf wrapped around her neck.

She grips the scarf part near her mouth."Er..Thank you?" And she smiles.


She turns around but before she can go,I hug her from behind.

Her body froze and she tries to look at me but I quickly close her eyes with my palm.


"Let's just stay like this for a while." I whisper in her ear.She freeze and wait for me to let her go.

I close my eyes and latch the scarf that cover her ear.I bite the earlobe and that makes her giggle.

"Y..Yaeger!" She struggles and I quickly realize what I'm doing.I gasp and quickly let her go.

"S...Sorry,Mikasa." I apologize.I get embarassed and cover my mouth.She frown and fix her scarf.

"It's okay.I guess." .She blushed a bit.


My face become red and smile happily,so happy to see her reaction.She's so cute.

"Somehow,the way you treat me is really unpleasant,.."

Hah,I knew it.I sigh.I think I deserve it.

"Look,I'm really sorry,Mikasa.It just,I can't control myself."


"Why,you asked." I scratch my hair.Don't know what to answer.

"Nothing,it's nothing much." I smile bitterly.

"Ok..ey" she hesitantly answers.I sigh while smiling.

She wears her shoes and walk to the door.

"Well then,Yaeger.See..," before she can finish her sentence,I interrupt.

"It's Eren,Mikasa.Call me Eren." I smile looking at her who shocked a bit hearing my words.

"Yes.See you tomorrow..." She stops for a while.

"Eren." She looks at me and turn around then walk out of my house.

"Yes,See you tomorrow,Mikasa." I grin.


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