Chapter 5:Your Name

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I turn around to see Ackerman.Well,now that the situation is like this,why don't I just try to ask for her full name?

"Hey..Ackerman,"I try calling her name and she turn around.Our eyes meet and I smile.

"Can you please tell me your full name?We're classmates you know." I try to make my smile sweeter than usual.First,of course to soften her heart from being mad at me.I kinda annoy her just on my first day and even cross the line.What can I do?I admit,I love her.

Second,I also show my best smile to capture her heart.Who knows,my smile can make her heart melts?

She looks confuse and I can see that she looks irritate but I still looking at her,waiting for answer.

Looks like my smile can't reach her.I'm dissapoint.

But then Connie interrupts.

"Whoa,whoa Eren.You better becareful.If Jean found you try to flirt with her,he'll kill you for sure."All of them nod,agreeing at Connie's word.

"Jean?" Don't tell me that Jean?He's here?

"Wait,Do you mean Jean Kirstein?"I started to frown.If it's really him.Then it will be really annoying.

"Yeah!Do you know him?" Ymir asks while wrapping her arm around Christa's shoulder.I bit my lower lips.Kinda jealous of them.

Why can't I do that with her too?wait,we even did more than that didn't we?

Well yes,but the feelings is different so I'm not really satisfy.

"Eren?you're at the moon or something?" Bertholdt who is near me put his hand on my shoulder.I shocked a bit.

"Oh sorry.So,is it really him?"I ask.

"Yeah,he is.How did you know him?"Reiner spoke out and ask me.I started to frown again.

"He's my classmate in middle school.Didn't expect to meet him here since he suddenly moved without notice."I look around to find him.But,he is nowhere to be seen.

"Jean is at the field.He's been punished by Keith-sensei two days ago to cut the grass for a day for throwing duster straight at his face yesterday." Sasha explains when she looked at my face like she can read my mind.

"Hah?!He did that?to Keith-sensei?!"

"Well,it actually was an accident.Jean wanted to throw the duster at one student who flirted with Mikasa but in the end it hit Keith-sensei's face.He deserved what he got." Ymir explains the truth while laughing with Connie and Sasha.

Whoa,he threw duster at someone?Because of her?

Looks like I got a rival here.

But why must it have to be Jean?!God,Damn it this is so annoying.

"Eren,do you like Mikasa?" Suddenly Annie sk when she saw my changed face.

That killing question is really killing me inside.Have I been found out?Should I just admit?or change the topic?

I look at Annie.Her face blushes and she looks irritated.

She looks mad,I guess.

"Well,..." I try to find an excuse to escape but all of them stare at me while smiling devilishly except Annie.

"Well,I don't really know but I want to be friends and be close with her,erm..I guess."

Yeah,I'm lying and I know it.I love her.I love her the first time I laid my eyes on her.It was the love at first sight.

All of them just smirk like they are thinking something(of course except Annie) and I just smile awkwardly.

Christa speaks,"I don't know if you didn't realize it or you're lying to yourself or you're lying to us but it's better to take action,Eren.Mikasa is really slow about something like this althought she's the smartest one in class.We know your feeling and we support you Eren.Except a certain someone.." Then she stare at Annie.Annie just silent and look somewhere else.

"Eh?" Does that mean...

All of them just smirk and then I saw Annie goes away.All of them knew my true feeling?Did I showed it too much?Well,I guess it's okay for them to know.But what the hell is wrong with Annie just now?

Woman sure is complicated.

"You two look good together Eren.I hope you can seduce her a real quick before Jean."Armin pat my shoulder and I smile.


I don't know what to say anymore.I will make Mikasa love me.No matter what it cost.

Now that I think about it,I finally found out her name.


That's a really cute name.Same as her owner.

I look at her and found out she is listening to song with her earphone.I relieved.I hope she didn't hear.I hope she didn't hear our conversations a while ago.

I want her to know my feeling by my own words and when it just the two of us anf not because she heard it from others.

I smile again looking at her peaceful face.

I walk to her and sit at the chair in front of her place while facing her.I touch her nose that makes her look up while giving me a death glare.

I smile more.Somehow,when I'm with this girl,I smile a lot.

When I was in elemantary school to middle school,people said I am a cool and serious man.Well,that's what make me famous they said.Plus with my face,my family status and my academic result,those make me even more perfect.

Well,that's what peope said.I've got no time to think about it.Its a waste of time.I just do not care.They can what they think about me I will never care about it.

"You still didn't answer me,Ackerman."I give her my best smile.

"What answer?" She looks confuse and that's cute.


"May I know your name please?" I rest my face on my palm while staring at her deeply.

She silent for a while and sigh.

"Well,classmates do need to know each others's name." She murmurs and I nod.

"My name is Mikasa Ackerman.It's nice meeting you?" She hesitate a bit and bit her lower lip that makes me turned on.

I deepen my smile and try to control myself.

"It's very nice meeting you,Mikasa.I'm Eren Yeager by the way." I reach for her hand and we both shake hands.

She just shake back and I deepen my smile more.


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