Chapter 31:The Answer

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Today,Titan High is in noise.

"You heard? Yaeger is qutting school."

"Seriously? That Yaeger? Why?"

"No one knows why.But I heard he is going to follow his father footsteps to German."

"What? As expected of Yaeger family,huh."

"No! Eren senpai! Why did he has to go!"

Mikasa keeps still hearing those words from the people she past.She didn't realize that the people is also watching her.

"That is Ackerman right? The one Yaeger and Kirstein struggling against to?"

"I heard she rejected Jean.As expected of her,she never realized someone liked her and never liked back."

"Such a person really did exist?"

"But I heard from the senpai she still doesn't give Eren senpai the answer yet."

Mikasa quicken her pace and open her class door,get inside quickly to her place and take a sit.


Annie greets.

She nods.Not responding.

"Mikasa? What's wrong with your eyes?" Armin asked worriedly.

"Were you crying?"

Mikasa looks down.

Both Annie and Armin look at each other.

"Eren is going,this morning." Armin shows his message from Eren to her.

She slightly looked at it and moved her eyes down again."I see."

He sighed and gave a sign to Annie to help him.

Annie nods and took a sit in front of her.

"So,Did you confess?" Annie asked while analyzing her face.

She keeps quiet.Neither shaking nor nodding.

Annie and Armin look at each other again.

"Mikasa.I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" Doesn't seems like to have interest with the question,she asked lazily.

"Have you given up on him?"

Mikasa sighed.She puts down her pen and look at her."Even if I don't want to,I have to right?"

Annie clenched her teeth."Mikasa,I think you misunderstood what Christa said yesterday."

"What Christa said yesterday,it was not for you to give up on him."

"It's to make you confess to him."

She frowns."I'm sorry.Did I hear that wrong?"

"No.You're not.'

Annie stares deep into Mikasa's eyes."Listen,Mikasa.Let me tell you what she really means."

"Mikasa.When you love someone and you make him yours,do you even think to share the one you love to others?"

She glances downward and shake her head."No.Absolutely not."

"That's it!" She nods.

"That's why love sometimes is hurt.We hurt others,and we got hurt.In other to get someone,we must hurt the others."

Mikasa nods.

"Of course.When you heard Christa said like that,it was like to turn you down.But do you remember the time she got mad?"

"Yeah.She said he is tired with me." She stares at her feet.Totally down remembering the words.

"Yup.And so what?If he doesn't love you anymore,you will still love him right? And even if you want to move on,don't you at least want him to know that you loved him? That you at least have ever open your heart to him?"

"Just as Christa said,he needs to know the answer.No matter what the answer is,just let him know.Even if it will hurt him."

Suddenly she beams,"But I know you will not dissapoint him right?"

Mikasa's eyes went dilated."Yes.You are right."

Annie winks."It doesn't matter if it changes anything or not,but you have to let him know."

"The answer."

Mikasa freezes.Starting to make sense in her brain.

Annie  taps her back."So,what are you waiting for?Go! Tell him what you really feel!"

"Good luck Mikasa!" Armin gives her a fist bump."You have another one and half hour to go!"

"Yeah!I'm going!" She nods and grab her bag.

"Annie,Armin.Thank you very much!"

Both of them nod while signing her to go.

She runs to the door and bump with the others.

"Mikasa? Where are you going?" Sasha asked first.

Connie looks at her bag."Class is almost starting.Where are you going with your bag?"

"You better get in before Levi sensei comes." Ymir said while putting her arm around Christa's shoulder who is nodding.

"Are you in hurry? If it so then I will tell sensei." Reiner offered to help.

"Well,you better get inside now because sensei is coming." Bertolt glances at the corridor to where Levi is walking.

Mikasa gulps before saying it out loud."Sorry! I can't.I have to go."

She begins running to the opposite way Levi used an left the others and she can hear Levi's calling out her name.

'No.I have to go.'

Suddenly,she bumps to Jean.

"Mikasa? What's wrong?" He asked in worry.

"Sorry,Jean.But I have to hurry.Before he go." She replied while panting.

"He? You mean,Eren?"

"Yes.I have to tell him."

Jean starts smiling.Getting what she meant.And moves aside,giving her space to go.

"Do your best,Mikasa." He messes her hairs.

She nods with eager."Thank you,Jean." And continue running,leaving him all alone.

'I have to go.'

'To tell him,'

'My answer.'


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