Chapter 19:Dad's Blessing

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Eren hissed a second glancing at a really fucking big house in front of him outside the house's gate.With a grunt,he gets inside and walk to the front door.

"Eren-sama,welcome back."A guy with a suit in front of the door bows to him.

"Tsk.Drop that already.It's trivial."Eren gives the guy a sharp stare.The guy closes his eyes."I will try."

Eren's lower lip turns into a sulky pout."Where's my dad?"

"President is in his room,waiting for your arrival." The guy opens the door for him.Eren glances at him for a while before get in the house.

Taking a lift to the third's floor,he arrives and walk to the north of the floor,where his dad's room is.

Opening the door,he saw his dad is drinking his wine on his desk while crossing his leg and a maid besides him,with a bottle of wine in her hands.

"Oh?You arrived?" Grisha Yaeger puts his empty glass on the table.

"Well,As you can see.I'm sure you're not blind yet." Eren rudely answered.

"My,my.Your tone didn't sound nice at all." Grisha shakes his head by Eren's attitude.

"Welcome back,Eren-sama." The maid greets politely.

"Stop with that kind of greet.It's troublesome." 

"Yes." The maid simply answers.Eren gives her a stare.

"By the way,let's have some sushi.You,go order it now." Grisha asks the maid and she nods and walks out of the room.

"Are you trying to ask me for dinner now?" Eren crosses his arm.

"I think.."

Eren gives him a suspicious stare."By the way,why do you want to meet?"

"No reason.Is it wrong to meet my own beloved son?" Grisha smirks a little before taking a sip of his wine.

Grisha walks out of the room and went to the lift,with Eren behind him.

"That sounds suspicious." 

Grisha smirks and get out of the lift and went to the dining room and take a sit.

"By the way,it's been a long time since you joined a marriage interview right?" Grisha opens a new bottle of wine and pours it to himself.

"What?Don't make me repeat myself,old man.I will not attend that shit." Eren's eyebrows twitched.

"But,it's almost time for you to get married."

"Mom will not be happy if you're forcing me like this." Eren pouts his lips.

Grisha silenced and again takes a sip.

Then,the house's bell rings.Grisha signs Eren to go.

Eren sighes.He gets up and went to the door.

"Good afternoon.Here's your sushi." 

Eren nods and reach his hands to take the boxes of sushi from her."Yeah,thank...EHHH?!"

Eren stares at the sender with disbelief.


Mikasa raises her head up."Eren?"



My eyes widen looking at the girl right in front of me.

"Why are you here?" I nervously asked.

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