Chapter 26:Another Confessions

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"Nice to meet you,senpai.My name is Mina Carolina from 1-6." Mina bows to him who is in front of her.

He laughs." Don't be so formal.Just act normal,okay?"

She smiles.

"I'm Eren Yaeger by the way.3-2,same as Mikasa." He glances slightly at the girl who is ignoring them while drinking her drinks.

"Mikasa senpai sure is very lucky to be very close with Eren senpai.I envy you." Mina sighes while her lips curve to a smile.

'This girl..she's straight forward!' His face changed.

"Lucky?" She asked.

Eren sighes for a while and take the last sip of his drink. "We should get going."

"Yeah." All of them got up.

"I will go pay." Mikasa opens her wallet but he quickly stop her.

"No.I will pay." Before she can said anything he walks to the counter.

"Senpai,are you really feel comfortable with accompanying me?" Mina whispers in worried.

"No.It's really okay.By the way,I'm going to accompany you just for a while.After we get in the aquarium,I will purposely separated myself to leave you two alone.Got it?" Mikasa puts her hand on her shoulder.

She freezes."But.."

"Not excuse,Mina.Just think about it.You confessed to him while I'm in the middle?That's absurd."

"Y..yeah.You're right."

Mikasa nods as she looks down on her feet.

'I wonder if I'm okay with this.' She bites her lip.

"Let's go." Eren comes again and they walked out of the café.


Finally,we arrived at the aquarium.We bought the tickets and get inside.

"Wow!The fishes are really beautiful!" Mina exclaimed as looks up the ceiling,watching the fishes.

"Yeah." Eren nods.He looks to his left to see the other types of fishes.

I also take a look around.

"Mikasa." He approaches me.

"Hrmm?" I asked while still looking at the fishes.

"Don't forget about it.My confession.And you answer."

I stunned.Suddenly blood flows through my face remembering that.Damn.I almost want to forget it.But he..

I keep silent and I can see he smirks before walking to Mina.

They are many people and it's crowding.

This is my chance.

I turn around and began walking the opposite way with them.But somehow my legs stopped.


Somehow I don't want them to have good moments together.Alone.

I turn around to see that Eren is looking behind.At me.

My eyes widen.Oh no,he realized.

I can see he tries to walk to me but the crowds make it impossible for him.

I gulp and continue walking again.

Just what is wrong with me?

What is this strange feeling?

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