Chapter 22:Theme Park

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Mikasa who is busy fixing her 3DMG turns around."What is it,Petra senpai?"

Petra grins."I have got two free tickets to Attack on Titan Theme Park so I want to give it to you."

She pulls out two tickets from her Survey Corps's coat.

Mikasa frowns."Why me?Can't you just go?"

Petra laughes."Well,you should go have some fun too you know.I know you have always studying everytime."

"Well I do that because I want to and it's not a problem to me."

"Just take it,okay?" Petra winks and puts the tickets in her hands."Then,let's continue our training!" And she goes away with her 3DMG into the forest.


Mikasa stunned."Huh?"




Mikasa suddenly calls out to me when we are busy studying in the library.

"Hrmm??" Without moving my eyes from the book I asked.

"You see,I have got two theme park's ticket..."

"WHAT!" I raise from my sit.Surprised.

"Shhhhh!" The others students in the library warned us and I apologized.

I take a sit again."Really?Theme park's ticket?From Eren?" I ask what is inside my mind.

"Huh?No.Why should he?" Mikasa asks in confusion."It's from Petra senpai from my club."

"Ahhh..." I nod.So it's not from him."That Survey Corps club?I heard Eren and Jean also join that club right?"

"Yeah." She nods uninterestedly.

I wonder if she knows that Jean joined that club because of her.Guess she is not.


"Armin?Are you okay?"

"Ah,yeah.So what's wrong with the tickets?" I rest my chin with both my hands.

"I guess I will just give it to you because I don't have anyone to go with."

My eye twitches."No,no.Senpai gave it to you so you must go.Just asked someone else you want."

"Then I will just go with you?"

Suddenly a lamp pops on my head.

"Why don't you ask Eren?" I give her a sweet smile.

"Eren?Is it just my imagination or don't you think you mentioned his name too much?"

"Never mind that!I know he had done much things to you so you can repay him by inviting him.I'm sure he will be really happy."

"Ehhhhh..I'm okay with that." She nods and keeps the tickets in her bag and continue studying.

My face changes.Mikasa,I guess you're okay with anything as long as your problem is solved huh?

I sigh and both of us continues studying together.



"Senpai,are you and Petra senpai dating?" I glance at Oluo senpai while I'm cleaning the table in the sport store.Today,all of us is in cleaning duty.Of course,that command was from Levi-sensei.

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