Chapter 16:Chee-Burg

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I take a closer look at his sleeping face.

Man,how can he be asleep right after he had sleep for a long time last night.I give his sleeping face a sarcastic smile.

I try to wake him up."Eren,wake up." But he's still in deep sleep.

He wriggles uncomfortably and mumurs something.He looks nervous and scare while wriggling on the sofa.

"Eren,wake up." I louden my voice right after seeing him like that.Is he okay? Suddenly,I feel uneasy seeing him like this.

"No,no.Don't." He frowns and sounds like crying.

Don't tell me,nightmare?

"Please.Don't go.Don't leave me." He begs in his sleep.

"Eren?" My voice shaken a bit and I'm worried.Nightmare is really scary.It's disturb us when we should be relaxing with fantasy that's scary.Too scary.

I exhale.I draw myself close to him and wrap my arms around his body from his side,hugging him tightly and rest my head on his shoulder,comforting him.

He relax a bit and that makes me sigh in relief."There,there." I try to comfort him and tap his back,calming him down.

He becomes normal and peaceful again.I exhale.Thank god.

"Mikasa." His sudden word makes me freeze.

Eh?Is he dreaming about me? I take a look at his face,eyes widen.

"Mikasa...don't leave me.Don't go.Never."


I quickly let him go.Eren?

Was he telling me not to leave him? Why would he?

I shake my head to drive away my confusion and quickly wake him again.

"Eren,wake up." He squirms while frowning.

He gasps and open his eyes.

I stare at him.Frowning.Is he okay?

"Eh?Mikasa? " He stares at me with his widen eyes.

"Let's go have breakfast now." I stare at him back.

"Why am I here?" He rubs his eye while positioning himself.

"Were you asleep that soundly?" I get up and try to find the television remote to turn it off.

"No.It just felt like I had a really long dream." He replies.

"What was it?" He comfortables himself on the sofa,while rubing his face.

I turn the television off.I take a look at him and my eyes widen a little bit.

"Eren,why are you crying?"

"Eh?" His hand tries to find the tears.Seems like he also surprised finding his tears.

He looks down."No..Nothing." And wipe his tears.

I look at him.Was he crying because of his dream?

"Let's go have breakfast now.I'm hungry." He gives me a fake smile and gets up.I nod.

We sit in front of each other and start eating.

Your cooking is really good! So Yummy!" Eren talks with his mouth full of food.

"You think so?I thought I've got way more to go." I take a sip of my tea.

"Or is it just because you like chee-burg that you say it's tasty?" I stare at him sceptically.

"Nah,I admit I love chee-burg but your cooking is really heavenly.Believe me." He gives me a thumb up.


"Mikasa." I look in front when he called my name.He is offering some of his chee burg to me.

"It's okay.I have my own burg." I try to decline his offer but he makes a face that I feel like I want to punch him.Don't get me wrong.It's not like he makes a disgusting or pervert face.But knowing that he just wnts to fool around makes me feel irritated.

I've got no choice.We're going to be late too.I open my mouth and eat the burg.He smiles.

He is happy with that?I stare at him.Confuse.But I ignore it.He continues eating.

Wait.If he did that so that's must mean he wants me to do that to him too right? I thought to myself.I cut my burg into a small pieces and shoves it to him.

"Eren." He looks at me and his eyes widen.

Eh?he don't want it back?I thought he wants me to do it too.

But then he smiles and also eat it.Oh?so he did want it.

"Ahh,we're going to be late." Eren gets up right after both of us finished our food.I nod and we quickly got to the door.

We wear our shoes and quickly walk to the school together.



"Mornin'!" Eren walks in the class.Oh?and with Mikasa too.

"Morning Eren!" I walk to him when he sits on his chair.

"You walked to school with Mikasa today? Did you meet on the half way?" I smile while stealing a glance at Mikasa who is opening her exercise book.

"Erkk...Well,that's..." Eren stutters to answer my question.I frown.Eh? Did my question sounds sensitive?

"Ohhhh!As expected of the top student.You're doing an exercise early in the morning." Connie praises in excitement at Mikasa who is doing the exercise like The Flash.

"No.It's Levi-sensei's yesterday's exercise.I forgot to do it last night." Mikasa answers while her eyes not moving from the book.

"Crap! I forgot to do it too!" Eren slaps his own forehead and quickly takes out his book.

"E..Eh?" I mutter in confuse,looking at both of them.

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