Chapter 20: 3DMG Training

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The sound of flare gun's shot echoed in the deep of the forest.

"Gather up brats!" Levi with a flare gun in his left hand in the air said while watching his surbodinates are carrying their luggages.


"Good morning,guys! Today is the first day of your camp! Ready to cut off your butt?" Hanji joked.She is wearing a half lenght coat with Survey Corps Club's logo on her back and is wearing a shirt with many straps around her body.To the bottom,she is wearing a slack bottom with some more straps around her legs and boots.

"Yes!" All of them salute with their heart.

"That's the spirit!So now,I want to tell you guys our activities for today.Today,we will..." Hanji grabs something on the table beside her.

"Practicing this! 3DMG!"

In her arms,there are a set of 3DMG with the triggers,tanks of gas,some blades,straps and more.She puts them back down on the table.

"As you can see,Levi and I are wearing the same uniform.In the past,people use this 3DMG equipment to kill the titans.You can fly in the air and kill the titans freely.To kill them,we use blades made of ultrahard steel,which capable to cut their skins."

She moves her hands to both the tanks beside her."To fly around,we used gas provided inside these tanks.You pull the triggers and then a hook will come out and it will hook on the direction you're going such as tree or building or even titans and your body will pulled to the hook with the help of the wire and straps by gas.

"And the most important is you must be clever in using 3DMG so that you can save your gas.If you're out of gas then it's game over.That's the simple explanation I can explain.Levi?" Hanji raises her eyebrows,looking at Levi to ask him if he has anything to say.

Levi clears his throat."So,I see you guys have change to our uniforms."


"Well then,we will start a practice to make sure you can use 3DMG or not.The practice is simple,you have to stay upright when you're being raise to the air." Levi lazily explains before he grabs a paper on the table.

"The first one,Cadet Ackerman."

"Yes,sir." Mikasa gets in front and connect the belt with the wires by herself easily.

Levi gives a sign for Hanji to raise Mikasa.Hanji nods and start raising her.

Mikasa stays straight when she is rised in the air and looks comfortable and relax and this makes Levi nods.

"Cadet Ackerman,pass."

"Ohhhhh!!!" The others start clapping their hands.Amaze.

"Next,Cadet Kirstein." Levi calls out the next name after Mikasa got back to her place.

"Sir!" Jean who is standing between Mikasa and Gunther walks to front.

When Jean is raised.Something went wrong with the wire that it suddenly let Jean go.

All of them gasp.Including Jean.

"Arghh!" Jean screams and ready for himself to fall.

But,Mikasa quickly catch him by supporting him by his arms and this eventually make him stand.

Jean opens his eyes to see Mikasa's blank face in front of him.

"Are you okay?Jean?" Mikasa bluntly asked while still holding Jean.

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