Chapter 2:An Annoying New Student

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Mikasa just look weirdly at the new student who's been looking at almost by her classmates.Even by her own teachers.

'The heck?is name really that important?'Mikasa though to herself as she continues doing her exercise.She tries to focus again but failed when all of them talk too loud.

"Well,Jaeger,what did you do to make the top student in school to be mad?If you want to try her,you better give up since you will give up soon,"Levi says while crossing his arms.

Mikasa move up her heads.Eyes fills with anger but she just decided to silent since this conversation involves her teacher too so she must not interrupted since Levi is a sadist.


"Well,I just asked for her name but she ignored me so I keep asking her so it became like this,"the new student try to explain the situations.What was his name again?

I stare at him.Well,my staring is more like glaring.Yeah,you disturbed me that's why I became mad.No one has disturb me like that before you jerk.

Then,I hear the whole class screams.

"Really,Jaeger?You forced her?You're unbelieveable!"Sasha screams at him while eating her potato.Jaeger?that's his name?

Without Jaeger have time to answer,then Connie interrupted.

"You have a death wish,Jaeger" he laughs.

Well,I don't think I've kill people yet,idiot.

I look at the person name Jaeger face,his face looks green.What is wrong with him?

He looked mad,didn't he?

I focus on my paper again and ignores all of them and didn't listen to the rest of their conversation until Levi hits his own table to make them shut up.

I who is focusing on the paper,got shocked and almost scream in shock.I quickly cover my mouth to cover up.But my reaction and my body reaction win over my mouth which is stand out too much when my body move on its own because of the shock backwards.

I really hate my own reaction.I shocked too easily and I always cursed or say something unreasonable.This is my weakness that I really hate and I don't want people to know.

Levi-sensei saw me and I don't really care.Well,we're family so we know each other pretty well.Hes Levi Ackerman and I'm Mikasa Ackerman.We almost spend the holiday together because our family is very close.

Well,he doesn't really care 'bout me and I also don't want him to care.

He just ignores me and continue teaching.I also want to focus again when I realizes someone looking at me.

I turn around and found The new student looks at me while gasping.My eyes become round and my pupil become thinner and moving nervously.

NO!NO WAY!He saw me?!

'No!This is not fucking happening!Why did he saw my weakness that I really don't want anyone to see even for myself.I'm so ashamed of myelf.Why did he saw?!'

I got mad to myself and I begin to blush so hard that I turn around to hid it.I continue to do my exercises and try to ignore him.

I don't care if he know about everything else but why did he have to know that I'm someone who is easy to shock.God,Damn it shit.

"Hey..," I hear he calls up to me.My heart races faster.Please,don't ask..

"Ackerman." Then someone calls my name.I quickly looks up,"Yes?"

It was Levi.Levi looks at the math problem he write and looks at me.

Understand what he meant,Iquickly got up and grab the chalk to write the answer.Without any hesitation,I writes the answer and wait a while to give Levi some times to check my answer.

Levi nods,"Okey,you may go back to your place" as a sign my answer is correct.I just say thanks and go back to my sit.

Then I realize someone clap his hands and I looks the new student was clapping at me and smiles widely.


I ignore him and sit again.I try to forget what just happened.Well,it can't be helped.What happened can't be turn back.I just have to sccept the reality.Well,it doesn't look like he cares.

And even if he tells anyone its not like they care at all because I'm not someone special at all.

Continuing my exercises,I ignore him and I return back to myself.

A silent,cold heart and cold blooded girl.

That's me.

Mikasa Ackerman.

Everything will return to normal again.

Well,that's what I think.

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