The Last:Always,and Forever

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"What?" Eren freezes.His eyes widen in surprise and his lips went apart from her words.

Mikasa is still smiling.Waiting for his next respond.

"How did you..?" He barely can ask as his eyes don't leave hers.

"Armin told me.Although it's earlier,but I want to be the first one to say it to you." Mikasa walks closer to him with the cake,taking step by step and finally stopped when she is a step away from him.

Eren starts getting red.Getting aroused with the surprise event from her.Never he thought that she would do this to him before,preparing and planning everything just for him from the once stoic,unapproachable,serious and unfriendly girl.

He likes it.

Mikasa keeps still as she raised the cake a little bit higher for him."Please,make a wish."

Eren nods and this time he is also affected with her smile.He lowers his head a little and blew the candles,leaving no candles unblown.

"So,this is what Armin meant?" Eren asked right after he raised his head again.Confirming what his friend texted before.

She nods."He suggested me to surprise you.At first I was confuse what to do.But he suggested me something and it really helped.". She put down the cake on the coffee table beside her and sit on the couch.

Eren did the same."He suggested what?" Curious,he asked.

"Well,he just said 'Do something that he will likes.'Err..something like that." Stuttering a little,she answered and he can see she is avoiding his gaze.

He tilts his head a little."That's all?"

She panickly shook her head."Urm...And then he said,'Do something that you have never done that you want to him.Something that shows that you love him.' " She starts biting her lower lip as her eyes flutters looking away.

Eren also starts biting his lip.Never he thought that Armin would be that teasing.But deep inside,he had say multiple times of thank you to him.Hoping that his thanks gets to him through his telepathy.

He smiles,"So,that means all of these are your ideas?That's sweet." He spreads his arm to hug her and brings her closer to him,resting her head in his neck.

She trembles yet still let him do that.It suddenly feels nice to be in his embrace.But suddenly she remembers something that makes her pulled away from his arms.

"What's wrong?" He blinks.

Without answering,she moves closer to him and cupped both of his cheeks,making both of their eyes meet each other.She starts flushing while observing his face,while Eren is still with confusion with some tints of blush on his cheeks.

She gulped hard and hesitantly gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.She quickly pulled away and let him go,flushing hard because of what she did.

Eren stunned.

Seeing him freezing like that,she nervously glances at him."And Armin also told me to surprise you.Like..a..k...kiss." And she quickly hide her face with both her hands,covering her now steamy and hot face.Her ears become red and looks like steams come out it.

Eren gulps hars once again and this time he is completely red.He grips her hand.

He grips her fingers tighter when she wanted to let go."Mikasa,I love you." And pull her in his embrace.

She freezes in his hug.And hesitantly,she hugs him back.

" too."

He smirks.

"Always.And forever."

Both of them stunned when realizing they said the same words together and break into a laugh.


"And kids,so that was how I met your mother." Eren puts down his mug on the table while eyeing the two children in front of him.

The two kids clap their hands in amaze.

"Wow! Dad was very sweet!" The girl with the brunet hair  praised.

Eren smiles hearing his daughter's comment." Dad has always been a sweet man."

"Amazing! I want to be like Dad too! I will never let go of someone I love!" The boy with raven hair screamed out.

Eren laughs.Before he can reply the boy,suddenly Mikasa appears from the kitchen.

"Okay,save the talk for later.Let's have dinner first."

"Yes!" The two kids replied and quickly run to the kitchen,leaving both of them.

Mikasa walks to Eren and pick up his mug.Eren  stands from his seat and gave Mikasa a kiss on her forehead.

Mikasa slightly blush and that makes Eren laughs.

"Let's go." Still with the red face,she said,and try to go ahead of him but failed when Eren grabbed her arm.

She questionly look at him who is smirking hard.

Eren points his index finger at his cheek.Mikasa got it and gets redder.

She gulps hard and quickly gave him a quick kiss just às he wanted and look away from him to hide her embarassment.

Eren chuckles.He grabs her hand softly."Let's go.The kids must be waiting."

She starts smiling and nod."Yeah." And they walk to the kitchen.

-The End-

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