Chapter 18:New Member?

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"Mikasa!Wait for me!Let's go together!" Eren's voice echoed through the hallway while he's running to Mikasa to catch up with her who had left him right after the last period was done.

"Eren.Don't run at the hallway." Mikasa gives him a glare.

"Nah.Let's just go." They walk together side by side and finally they arrived at the sport store.

"Good afternoon." Eren gets in as he slides the door with Mikasa.

"Hey there first-years!You're late." A blond guy with a beard raises his hand up,greeting them.

"Sorry for that." Mikasa raises her hand up too,replying the greet.

"Hey there.My name is Petra Ral and just called me Petra-senpai." The only girl in the room spoke out while giving an unpleasant stare to the curly guy who is unconcious.

"And that guy is Oluo Bozzard,and the beard one is Eld Gin,our president and that 'ape guy' right there is Gunther Schultz.Nice to meet you two." Petra lowered her voice when she said 'ape guy' and give them a warm smile.

"I heard what you said,Petra." Gunther got up from his sit and walks to them.

"Nice to meet you guys too,senpai.I'm Eren Yaeger and I just moved here three days ago." Eren nods,smiling.

"I'm Mikasa Ackerman." Mikasa simply introduces herself.

"Yeah,we know you.You're famous you know.You're the hot topic in school now." Eld sits on the chair,supporting his head with his know.

"Urmm,is that so?" Eren rubs his side neck.Uneasy.

"And,you.Who wouldn't know the Great Mikasa Ackerman?" Gunther crosses his legs,smirking at the frowning Mikasa.

"Why,thanks." Mikasa quietly replied back.

"Oi,brats.Don't stand in front of the door." Levi appears while furrowing his eyebrows and some files on his shoulder.

"Sit down,brats.Well,I want to make our meeting short.So Petra,hand out these papers." Levi shoves Petra some papers.

After all them got the paper,Levi starts grabbing his marker and start writing on the board in front of the table.

The door slides suddenly and Hanji's face pops out."Hey guys!Sorry I'm late.I'm bringing a new member."

"New member?" All of the members asked.

"Yeah! Looks like Survey Corps's club is becoming more famous now.Now,Come in,Jean." Hanji pulls the new member's hand inside and Eren's eyes widen.

"Jean!Why are you here!?" Eren got up from his sit and furrows his eyebrows.

"Huh! I'm a new member,Yaeger.Don't think I will let you and Mikasa join a club together,alone." Jean gives Eren a devil smirk while putting both his hands in his pocket.

"Tch. Just how did you know,horse-face?"Eren hissed,very mad by the sudden harassment.


"Plot." Oluo murmurs watching the show.

"Wow,a love triangle! Interesting!" Petra's eyes blink in excitement staring at both guys.

"Well,this is interesting,I guess." Gunther shrugged as the two men glare at each other.

"Wait,what about Mikasa?" Four  of them try to take a look at Mikasa's face to see her reaction.

"So,what should I fill in this blank,Levi?"

"Tch.Call me sensei when we're at school,Mikasa."

"You're calling me Mikasa now."

Four of them freezes.

"The Ackermans are talking and Mikasa..." Gunther mutters to himself.

"She didn't even hear their conversation?" Gunther sighes in despression.

"And she is busy filling the new member's form?" Eld lets out a long sigh of despair.

"Hoho.This is a 'dumb and slow shoujo manga girl." Petra's eyes blink brighter.Smiling brightly to her ears.

"Jean,why don't you just join another club?Like Horse Shit Club or maybe,something more like you,the Horse Face Sketch Club?"

"And leave you and Mikasa alone?Hell no! And stop with the horses's jokes!"

"And you should stop meddling between Mikasa and me too!"


"So,let's continue our meeting now." Hanji claps her hands together and takes a sit on Levi's chair,ignoring the two guys.


Eren and Jean who is busy arguing stopped and both of them take a sit with Mikasa between them.

"You're lucky today horse-face." Eren peeks from his place to give Jean a death glare.

"Say that to yourself,Yaeger." Jean replies his glare back.

"Well," Levi slams the table and continue writing on the board.

"So we will be holding a camp for our holiday as a training to strenghten yourself.We will be having a camp for four days at a giant forest.So,don't expect a luxury dorm or whatever." Levi writes all the time and informations of the camp on the board.

"We still have four days for the camp and I want you guys to prepare yourself since this camp will be a hell.Of course,the main thing we will learn is learning how to use 3DMG."

"Futher information and what you need to know is on the paper.So read it."

Hanji brings her hands together."Now,Both of us will divide you guys into two groups.To make it easy,we will make a second year's group and first year's group.That's a good idea right?"

"Okay!" Eld and others cheer in joy.

Eren and Jean make a face but they just keep quiet since they are in the same group as Mikasa.

"Then,it's decided.Give back the form to me or Hanji tomorrow.You may dismissed." Levi puts down his marker.

"Sir!" All of them got up from their sit and salute before step out of the room.

Eren looks in front to see Jean is flirting with Mikasa,again.

'Tsk.' Eren runs toward them."Mikasa!Let's go home together!"

Mikasa gives him a blank face."Sorry.I'm going to work.

"Then,I will just accompany you."

Mikasa gives him a glance." That's a pain in the ass."

Eren smirk."It's okay."

Jean clears his throat."I'm going too."

"What?! Just go home alone,horse!"

"Shut up Eren!As if I will let you accompany her alone!"

Eren hissed.Mikasa is leaving them behind.

"Mikasa!" Eren runs to catch up with her.

"Wait!" And Jean joins him too.

"So cute." From far Hanji laughes.

Levi nods."Not bad."


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