Chapter 14:The Killers and Fobia.

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Mikasa and I walk out of the room and sigh.I take a look at the clock and it's already time to go home.

"Let's go home,Mikasa." She nods.

We walk out of the school and walk side by side.


"It's okay.I also thought that I should at least join a club this year " I sigh in relief.

I smile.Somehow,I miss her so much.It's like we don't talk too much today.

"Wooo!You!You're that woman's daughter!"

Suddenly,three man appears in front of us and look at Mikasa.Mikasa got a little shock to see them.

She falls down and shivers in fear.Not wanting to look at them.

"Hah!Looks like you still remember us!" The beard one laughs

"I still remember you acted like nothing happened when we killed your parents.But now,You're shivering huh?" The blond one smirk looking at her.

I gasp.Suddenly,anger flows through me.I grint my lip,try to control my anger.

"I thought you're dead now on your own!" The old one spits.I clinch my fist.

"You even got a boyfriend now huh?"

"Why don't you just go to your mom and dad already?"

"Or prabably you want us to do that to you too?"

They laugh.

"Then,let's us send you to your parents NOW!"

The beard one grabs a knife and run towards her and try to shove the knife.

And I can't hold it anymore.

"You fucking pest!"

I run to the beard with knife and kick his hand and that makes him dropped his knife.He cursed at me while aprroaching me and gives me a fist.

But I quickly avoid it by lowering myself and punch him straight at the stomach.He groans and try to kick me but I quickly spin my body and kick him at the face.My body flies in the air and I give him another kick at his rib,making him K.O.

The other two stunned looking at their friend unconcious.They glare at me and sprint to me.

"You...!" The blond throws some knife from his jacket.I dodge it fastly and in a second,I'm behind him.I kick his crotch and he grunts in pain.I take a glance at the other who's approaching me with a long steel.

I defend myself with my arm when he attacked me and spin his arms,making him shouts in pain.I kick his leg and that makes him fall.

Then,the blond comes again with a thick wood.I punch at the wood and it broke in two.He shivers but quickly raises her leg to kick me.

I smirk.I avoid myself and the kick goes to the old one straight at his 'thing'.

"Arghh!" The old one grunts in pain.Not moving.

The blond one gasps.I hissed and quickly kick him at the stomach.

All of them lie at the ground and I place all of them together with a rope.

"You animal,just go die already!" I cross my arms,giving them a death glare.

Many people crowded and then the police and ambulans came.

"Good job,boy.You've captured the criminals we have wanted.They're under drug that's why they are like this.Thank you and I will call you if there's other information."

I nod.I was really mad.If I used the knife,they would be dead already.

"Let's go Mikasa."

I grab Mikasa's hand who is trembling and walk her to her home.

"Your house is here?" I ask when we arrive in front of an aparment.

It's not bad and not too luxurious.But,it's still looks luxury for her to live alone here.

And just why on the hell is she doing part time job then?I frown.


I brought her into the house.I put her on her sofa and go to the kitchen to make some drink for her.

I come back with a mug of hot cocoa.


"Thank you." She takes a sip.

It's silent for a while.

"You know,I thought I would never meet them again after that incident.That's why I'm scared to death.The faces of my mom and my dad reflected in my head.It was a really bad nightmare for me.A scary thing that I want to forget but I can't.It's hurt when reminding your parents get killed in front of your eyes.It's really painful.But it always played in my head,everytime,everyday." She looks down at the cocoa inside the mug.

I keep silent.Don't want to ruin the mood.

"Why the world is so cruel?Why?Why someone's precious to me left me just like that?It's really not fair." Her hair covers her eyes but then I saw a tear falls down into the mug.

Is she crying? I get close to her.

"Mikasa." I hug her

I can feel that she flinch but I tighten the hug.

"I understand you.My mom also the same.It was really painful that you can't tell in words."

"So,it's better to cry.Cry your heart all you want.Don' t keep it deep inside." I stare at her face and she stares back with her teary eyes.

Then,The tears drop.

"Y..yeah." She cries and I hug her again.



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