Chapter 17:Ship

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I take a glance at both Mikasa and Eren in front me.I narrow my eyes,giving them a suspicious stare.

But they didn't realize it.

"Fuh!" Mikasa and Eren put down theirs pens and close their exercise books at the same time and rub their side neck concurrently,making I smirk.

These two,they have something in common.

They always rub their side neck.

"Is Mikasa Ackerman here?" A guy appears from the class's door and look around.

"Yes.That's me." Mikasa raises her hand up and gets up from her sit.Before she can walks to the guy,Eren quickly gets up from his sit and raises his arm in front of Mikasa,preventing her to go while glaring at the guy.

"And who the hell are you?And why do you want to meet her?" Eren glares right at the guy's eyes,making him shivers in fear.

"U...ummm...that's because Hanji-sensei wanted to meet her.Now."

Eren nods and sighes in relief.He takes a look at Mikasa and makes a worried face,while Mikasa ignores him and walks straight to the guy.

I pity you,Eren.I make a sarastic smile to him right after Mikasa past through us.Eren sighes deeply while staring at both of them before they dissapear.

"So,whats happen to you guys yesterday?" I try to ask him about yesterday.When they was summoned by Levi-sensei,they talked too long in Principal Erwin's room and all of us just went home without them.So,..... I smirk devilishly.

"Erkkk....ermmm..," Eren stutters again and rubs his side neck.My smile widen.As expected.

"Something happened right?" My question makes Eren smiles hesitantly.

"Oh?What is it,Eren?Tell us!" Sasha brought some packets of chips,put it on the table and start sitting in front of his place.

The others who has been listening all these times also join Sasha and sit down,except Eren.

"Why are you standing?Sit down and tell us!" Christa pulls Eren's arm and makes him sit down.


"Um..W..where's Annie?" Eren tries to change the topic while rubbing his side neck.

"Annie is helping Pixis-sensei to organize some documents at the computer room.Pixis sensei asked her this morning around 7.56 at class 2-2 and she probably will be finish around third period.Why?" Bertolt quickly answers Eren's question while staring at him with his big round eyes.

This time,my sarcastic smile goes to him.Bertolt,are you a stalker by the way?

"No.Just asking." Eren replies and totally showed that he's actually not insterested and Bertolt exhales.

"Well then,let's the story begins!" Connie claps his hands with Sasha and wait for him to open his mouth.

Eren smiles awkwardly before opening his mouth,"Actually,yesterday...."


"So that's how it is." Armin nods,understanding the situation.

The others also nod their heads and some of them also cross their arms.Bertolt eyes furrowed,"I don't know why,but you two just knew each other three days ago and yet you two have been together and having moments so many times.Good for you huh,I envy you.I've known someone for about 10 years and yet we still act like we don't know each other." Bertolt sigh deeply and stares at his own thigh.

"Bertolt,this is not a confession party." Reiner glances at Bertolt beside him with an unpleasant stare.

"By the way Eren,I totally like a guy like you.I mean,someone who will make the girl he likes will loves her back no matter what it takes.Doing harassing but still seductive.I've met many guys like you in the manga.A guy likes that is really my dream guy." Christa smiles and closes her eyes,holding both her hands together and look up at the ceiling.

"I don't know if that's a praise or not,but thank you." Eren narrows his eyes,making a 'what the heck is going on' face.

"What is this? A love story about the Almighty Eren Yaeger and the Great Mikasa Ackerman?" Suddenly Hanji-sensei appears beside Eren.

"H..Hanji-san?!" All of them get up from their sits and stare at Hanji who is crossing her arms to her chest while grinning playfully.

"Yo!" Hanji gives them a warm smile.

"Didn't Mikasa..." Ymir's words stopped by Hanji.

"Ah...she is still in my room,helping me with my reports about her last exam's result." Hanji smiles.

"So Eren,from your story,I think you've got a long way to go huh?" Hanji sits on Eren's chair while everyone still standing.

"Erkk...Y..yes...?" Eren answers doubtfully.

"Well.That's not a surprise.But I think you guys have made some process.You know,in the past,someone seduced her about a year but then give up because she's not paying attention at all although he also did some harassing like you." Hanji approaches Eren and put one of her hand on his shoulder.

"W..what?!" Eren's eyes furrowed,holding his anger.

"But,he's better than you.The most extreme thing he have done to her was just a touch on her head.That's it." Hanji's words make Eren calms down a bit.

"But,that still not change that he have touched Mikasa." Eren hissed.

Hanji smirks.And now she puts both her hands on his shoulders.

"So,I wish you good luck!Don't give up okay?I ship Eremika after all!" Hanji gives him a thumb up.

"Eremika?" Eren smiles hearing that combination.

"Oi,shitty glasses.You're too close." Levi appears and grips Hanji's hairs and brings her closer to him.

"Yo Levi!What is it?" Hanji smiles staring at Levi's annoying face.

"You left Ackerman all alone in your room and had a chit chat with your students while you still have more works to do?At least clean your messy room!Come!" Levi drags her to go back.

"Bye Eren!" Hanji waves to Eren while he waves back with smile.

"Don't say other's guys names like that,shitty glasses!"

"Whattt???! It doesn't concern you!"

Eren and the others just freezes hearing their conversation until the voice goes away.

"Are Levi-sensei and Hanji-sensei..?" Eren glances at Armin for answer.

"Don't know.I'm not sure about Hanji-sensei but I'm sure about Levi-sensei's feeling.It's obvious.Although Levi-sensei did show it,but Hanji-sensei is too slow." Armin smiles remembering both of his teachers.

Eren smiles.So,Hanji-san is a dumb too.Eren sighes with a smile

"Hanji-san.You know,I ship Levihan too." Eren whispers to himself.Smiling.


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