Chapter 24:Confession

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"Ackerman senpai!"

She glances at the person behind her."Yes?"

A girl.

"I'm sorry to disturb you senpai.I'm Mina Carolina from 1-6."

Freshman..Mikasa takes a good look at her from up till down.


Mina gulped before opening her mouth."I heard that you're very close with Eren senpai now."


"I don't think so."

"But I think so!"

Mikasa frowns a second."So what with it?"

"Is it true Eren senpai and you are dating?"

Mikasa's eyebrow twitch."No.We're just friends."

Suddenly she raises her head up."Really?You are not dating him?"

She nods.

"Thank god!Senpai,can I ask for your help?" Mina brings her hands together,acting like begging.

Mikasa narrows her eyes."What is it?"

"Can you please introduce me to Eren senpai?"


What?what is this?

Something doesn't feels right..In my heart.

Some kind of pain.And aching.


Mina screams in joy."Thank you so much senpai!"

I nod.With the pain.



Hanji san is teaching in front while fangirling about her Titans.Eren looks sleepy.Maybe because the second years's topic are not interesting.

And since it's February,it's kind of cold.

"Hrmmm?" He glances at me a little while his hand plays with his pencil.

"Meet me at club room after class." I approach him a little and whisper to his ear.

I can see his eyes widen and his face looks red.


"Okay." Without looking at me he looks in front again.



"So,what is it you want to say?" Ereb sits on the table while crossing his leg.

"Well,yesterday a kohai asked me a favor."

"Man or woman?"

"Huh?" She stunned a little."Woman."

He sighes in relief.

"Oh?" He crosses his arms."That sounds shocking,for you to talk to a junior.You even don't talk too much with me." He pouts his lips in jealousy.

"Are you kidding? We've been together everyday.Even you slept at my place sometimes.I even slept at your place once.And your father's place too.And we ate dinner together every night.I even do your laundry and clean your place since your father asked me to take care of you.And..." Before she can bluntly finished her sentence,he stops her.

"Stop!Just drop that already o..okay?" Eren begged. in embarassment.

He coughes a little."So,what's with that kohai?"

"She wants me to introduce her to you."

'Huh?'Eren freezes.His experession suddenly change.

"Did you agreed?"

"Eren?" She approaches him when his tone changed.

"So what did you answer?" Eren raises his head and stare deep into her eyes.

"Eh?" Mikasa's face changed seeing his face.

Eren grabs her wrist and brings her closer to him."You agreed with her?"

Their faces are so close as their noses touch each other.Mikasa also stares at his beautiful yellowish green eyes without blinking her eyes.

"I...said that I will do it." She hesitantly answer while she tries to free herself.

Eren didn't move his eyes an inch.He keeps staring at the girl who almost make him half crazy.A girl that he has chase for a long time.A girl that he will do anything to make her look at him.



'What...what is this feeling.It's strange.' Mikasa nervously stare at his eyes.She don't know what to do anymore.

"You know,in the past I have dated many girls.And that was when I still don't know what is love.What it feels like to fall in love.The happiness when you fall in love with someone."

"And when I met you.I stopped doing that.I don't have any interest in other girls.I only want to get your attention.I want you to look at me.To know me.To take care of me.To say with me."

Mikasa's heart beating fastly.The words he said made her fluster.She don't know why but she feels so embarassed.

Eren leans his forehead to hers."Do you know why?"

She flinches a little bit."W..why?" She asked.

Eren sighes before he brings his hand to hers and entertwine their fingers together.

"I will go meet her.But I will say this first."

Eren lifts Mikasa to sit on his lap.

"I love you,Mikasa."


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