Chapter 27:What she really feels

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Without looking up she asked,"What is it,Armin?"

"Is there something going on between Eren,Jean and you?"

She freezes before looks up and stare at him.

She remains silent.For a moment.


Armin grins."As expected.Something happened right?" He puts down his pencil.

She stunned realizing that she was too easy to read.She looks down to her books again and continue her exercise to end the conversation.

"I heard it from Mina."

The words manage to make her look up back."You know her?"

"We're in the same club."

She nods."What did she say to you?"

Armin looks up the ceiling as he's thinking."Let's see..something like she got rejected by The Almighty Eren Yaeger,and he went to somewhere else where you and Jean were to stop him from taking you?"

She became red."W..well,that's.."

"The two confessed to you right?"

The redness on her face becomes redder.

"W..wha..?"She stutters

"Mina told me."

'So she was there the whole time? Then she should have help me.' She grumbles as she closes her books to go.

"So what's your answer?" He grabs back his pencil to continue his homework.

She freezes briefly before answering."I don't know." She brings her books to her chest.

"Why did the situation became like this? It's so unfamiliar for me."She grips her books tightly." I like the old times when they are laughing together and not fighting at all."

"Not fighting?" He laughed.

She also gives him a smile and stand up to get going before he calls out her name.



"Good luck.."

"And cheer up okay?" He throws her a candy from his pocket.

She looks at the candy and grips it before smiling."Yeah.Thank you,Armin."



"Good evening" I slide the door as I get inside the club room.

"Oh!Mikasa! You're early." Hanji greets me as she saw me.

"Good timing.Here,wipe these." Levi appears and gives me a cloth while giving me a sign to look at the table.

There are so many titan mannequins! And some are aparts too.

I sigh and take a sit.Grabbing one of the pieces,I begin wiping it.


"Yes,Hanji san?" I raise my head and glances at her in front of me.

"You know,lately Jean and Eren always went home early without you,and they are not fighting like usually they did.Although you three sat together like always,but something feels wrong."

She puts down her favourite titan's head mannequin on the table after wiping it.

Mikasa stutters."Errr.."

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