Chapter 35:30th

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"Really?" Mikasa paused eating.

"Yep! It's tomorrow." Armin nods.He takes a bite of his homemade bread while his eyes ramming around the class,to make sure Eren is not around.

"You should do something for him,at least." Armin smiles,swallowing his food.

"Do something?" She murmurs.Her forehead got wrinkles.

"What can I do?" She mumbles,thinking for the best idea for the sudden new suggestion.

"Why? Did that kind of thing sounds new to you?" His eyebrows raised in surprise.

"I guess.I have never celebrated something like that before."

He swallowed his food.Remembering Mikasa's birthday."How about yours last month?Did you celebrate it?Or did you get anything?"

She paused munching her karaage."Well,Christa did say she wants to celebrate but since I said I have to go to work,she gave up.In the end I just got some presents from you guys."

Armin's eyes widen in disbelief."You must got anything from the strangers,right?"

This time her eyes also got wide." did you know?"

"As expected,there's no way the most famous female student in school didn't get anything from others." Armin grins.

She frown."I don't think I am.And There's nothing special about that."

"Yeah,yeah." He playfully nod.

"But,about your suggestion,I wonder what can I do." She starts pumping her brain again.Totally clueless.

Armin sighed and somehow he is really surprised to see Mikasa is trying hard for someone else.Eren totally makes Mikasa see the light of the world and got her escaped from the darkness and shadow.And this is making him really happy.To see the new,positive and more cheerful Mikasa.

But then he smiles.Well,more like a smirk."How about you do this?" He brings his face closer to whisper in her ear.

Mikasa nods and he starts whispering.


Eren stretches his arms right after he just finished writing his report about their soon upcoming activity in Survey Corps in April.He stood from his seat and walk to Levi who is busy checking the members's file while drinking his tea.

Beside him,Hanji is focusing reading Mikasa's reports which she just left earlier and to his surprise she also left him and went home earlier.Althought he was a little bit dissapoint with the treatment,but he knows she must has more works to do.Also,it was his own fault for slowing down his work on the report.

"Here,Levi san." 

"Good work.You can go home now." Levi nods as he puts the
report on the table,giving it to Hanji.

Eren laughs hearing Hanji's pout.He walks to his seat and grab his bag.It's almost dusk.And he wants to arrive to his home earlier before it's dark.And to see his beloved girlfriend.

Levi continues checking Eren's file when suddenly he saw something.


"Yes?"Eren who is already at the door stopped.

Levi keeps still for a while before opening his mouth,"Tomorrow is 30th right?"

Eren hummed in confusion."Yes. Is there anything wrong sir?"

Levi shook his head."Nothing.You can go." He continues his observation,ignoring him.

"Bye Eren!" Hanji waves,smiling.

"Do your work,shitty glasses."

"Ah?Yes.See you tomorrow." He nods.And close the door.


"It's late. No wonder Mikasa and Armin left me." Eren said right after he saw the time.He walks along the riverside while watching the almost dissapear beautiful sunset.The light of the sunset makes his oceanish green eyes turns a bit yellow and more beautiful.

Suddenly,he received a message.


'Hey Eren😄.Today I have left something at your house.I'm sure you will love it.And,tomorrow is 30th.'

"My house?Guess it's his reasearch book.And why is everyone talking about tomorrow?" He rubs his side neck,trying to solve the confusion in his head.

"Wait."He stopped walking.

"Now that I think about it,tomorrow is my birthday right?"

He snapped his fingers. "My birthday huh? I totally forgot. "

"I wonder if Mikasa knew about it. "

He sighed. "She must doesn't know right?  We have just start yesterday. "

"And it's not like I want to her to forcefully celebrate it.For me,a wish is already god gift."

"Now that I think about it, I didn't give her present for her birthday this year. "

Eren's try to remember the day he was in bed at his father's house due to his sudden fever from his father when he was visiting him on Mikasa's birthday.Right after he recovered,he wants to give it to her and when he was searching for it he found it nowhere to be seen.After asking his father's maid,she said she accidentally threw it away since he put the present in his old bag that he coincidencely want to throw away.

He laughed remembering the past.He has always want to buy a new one but he was very busy month ago and didn't even have time to even sleep.And then,his fight with Jean for Mikasa also made him didn't even remember about the gift.

He swore he will buy something since his schedule wasn't packed now.But today is not the time.

Without realizing, he arrived at his apartment.

He opened the door and get inside to see the dim light from the living room. "What?  Did I forgot to close the lamp? What a waste. " He took off his shoes.


Eren walks in the house and the first thing he saw are the scatter of rose petals on the floor, were decorated beautifully  ,leading them to the living room and some heart shaped made of the same flower at a random places, adding more feeling of the romantic scene with the dim light.

Eren was surprised,thinking that if he just went in the wrong house or if he is dreaming.He continues walking,hoping he is wrong to the living room and saw it was decorated beautifully.

There are so many foods on the table like fruits to be enjoy with melted chocolate,marshmallow,chocolate and more.The atmosphere looks so calming and romantic with the decoration of ballons and roses.

Eren can see someone coming from the kitchen with a cake with candles on it.

"Mikasa." He stunned in his position seeing her smiling.His brain starts processing what's going on.

"Did you,do all of this?" He quickly asked what is in his mind.Not believing the situation.

Mikasa smiles."Happy birthday,Eren."


P.S:A chapter to go!

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