Chapter 34:Sauces

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"Congrats,you two!"

"A new couple is born!"

"Finally! My OTP is canon!"


As soon as Eren and Mikasa reached their class,they was surprised by a sudden noise straight to them right after they opened the class door.Both of them stunned in surprised as their eyes rammed looking around the now decorate class.

" this?" Eren is the first one to come back to his sense after a while.

"A party to welcome the new couple!" Connie pulls their hands to the teacher's desk,which is at the middle of the classroom.He gives both Eren and Mikasa orange juices.

From far they can see Hanji is running to them while Levi folowing her.

"Hanji san?" Mikasa rubs her side neck.

"Levi san?" Eren does the same.

"Congrats!Both of you!" Hanji screams in joy and start hugging them tightly.

"W..whoaa!" He makes sure his drink is not spilling.

"H...Hanji san?" Mikasa freezes in her hug.

"Finally,after waiting for such a long time,you two are finally together!I'm so happy!" Hanji ends the hug while still screaming in joy.

Mikasa starts getting red.She looks aside and hide her now crimson face with her scarf.

Eren smirks."Thank you." Hanji laughs.

Levi let out a long sigh."Good for you guys.."

Eren stunned for a second before smirking,getting what he meant.

Mikasa is still freezing.Having no idea.

"Well,let's celebrate this everyone!" Hanji grabs Levi by his shoulders,grabbed two glasses of juicw for him and her.


They started gulping down their juices and start having fun.


The guys start approaching him.

"Congrats,man! You finally did it!" Reiner smacks his back.

"Way to go,Eren." Bertolt taps his shoulder and smiled.He gave him a thumbs ups

Connie messed Eren's hairs,"Damn,you finally got her! I am so happy for you you know!"

Eren laughed."Thank you guys."

"Mikasa!!" Sasha hugs her tigtly,doesn't want to let her go.She squeals in excitement as she shakes her body.

"S..Sasha.." Mikasa starts getting dizzy.

Christa chuckles." Good job,Mikasa."

Mikasa nods."Yeah.Thank you,Christa." Christa winks.

Ymir appears in the middle.She didn't say anything and just raised her thumb ups and goes away with Christa.

Mikasa lets a out a slow laugh."Thank you."

They left both of them alone and then Jean,Annie and Mina came.

"Congrats,both of you." Jean scratches his hairs while looking straight at Eren eyes.

"Thanks,Jean." Eren smiles at Jean's attitude."I think I'm starting to like you a bit now,for everything you have done."

He makes a face."Huhhhh?!"

Mikasa shook his head."Thank you,Jean." And Jean smiles and nod his head.

"Senpai,congratulations.I hope you two will have a happy life together,and forever." Mina shakes Mikasa's hand and give her her brightest smile that can even beat the brightest one in the smart phone.

Annie hugs Mikasa right after Mina let her go and whisper at her ear."Nice one.You have got it,Mikasa." And she ends the hug.

Mikasa,who can't stop smiling blushes a little."Thank you very much,both of you."


"Eren,dinner is ready.Let's eat." Mikasa shouted right after she is done preparing the food on the table to the living room.But unfortunately,she got no answer.

"What is he doing?" She murmurs and walk to the living room and saw he is sleeping peacefully.

She sighed.Considering whether to wake him up or to just let him sleep.Thinking that he should at least go to the bed,she walks to him and try to wake him up."Eren,wake up."

But suddenly,his hand moved to her wrist and in a second she is pinned on the sofa.

"W..what?" She stunned when she saw Eren is smiling on top her.She tries to make him let her go,but her strength can never beat him.

"Eren,what are you doing?"

He licks his lip."You.I want you." He simply answered and move down to kiss her lips.

Mikasa was taken aback and quickly try to free herself although it no use."W..w...wait,Eren."

"No." He answered without hesitation and start kissing her softly.

She moan,and that makes him keep going for more,and he slid his hand from her neck to her arm until her fingers and entertwine them with his while his other hand caress her cheek,pulling her closer to deepen the kiss.

"E..Eren.." Mikasa tries to talk but failed when Eren lips still pressing agains hers,and she was only able to moan.Watchinf her like this,he tries to slid his tongue in,but failed when Mikasa suddenly pushed him away.

"Hrmmmmm?" He hummed.

"W...wait...D...Di..Dinner is going to get so let' f..first." She tries her best to say that due to her embarassment win over her.She is panting and her hairs get a little bit messy with some covering her face.Her face keeps getting redder and redder when she sees his good looking face.

Eren bites his lip looking at the scene before gulping."Fine."

He got up and so does Mikasa and they walk to the table.

"Thanks for the meal."

Mikasa starts eating her meal but not Eren.He is busy staring at her face which is enjoying her meals and ignoring him.Her face got normal again like nothing happened.Like what happened a minute ago didn't happen.

Mikasa realizes that and raised her head."What's wrong Eren?"

Suddenly he realized something.There is some sauce beside her lips.

He smirks.He got up and grab a tissue,"There's sauce on your face."

At first Mikasa was surprised seeing him want to wipe it off for her.But,she tried her best to keep her stoic face as she freezes in her position,obviously nervous thinking that he is going to touch her lips with tissue as a cover.

Eren chuckles and gets closer.As soon as the tissue almost reach the corner of her lips,his other free hand raised up to grab her collar and pulled her into a passionate kiss.He closes his eyes as he enjoys the sweet moment.

Mikasa's eyes widen in surprise.She flinches but Eren pulls her closer again by the collars and deepen the kisses.He licks her lips and the sauce,tasting the sweet and spicy taste from her lips and quickly left her lips.

Mikasa,still with the widen eyes starts getting red from up till down,didn't expecting such the cunning move.She tries to act normal but failed miserably when she can feel she is shaking due to her embarassment.

Eren laughs.He sit down again and start enjoying his food like nothing happened.Deep inside,he feels so satisfied to tease her,and makes her flustered because of him.

Mikasa bites her lip.Yet still reach out for her fork to continue enjoying her meal although her heart is still beating like crazy.She secretly tried to look at him and saw he is also watching her.

Eren winks and she quickly look down,her face that came back to normal second ago gets red again and she didn't ever dare to look up and her eyes just keep still to her plate.

Eren smirks.And continue eating.


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