Chapter 21:It's Storming.

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Eren grunts.He opens his eyes and  Mikasa's face is right in front of him.

"M..Mikasa?" Eren blushes a little.

"Thank God you're awake."

Eren tries to get up."Where are we?"

"I don't know.But we're in this cave and it's still storming outside." Mikasa looks outside the cave.

Eren also take a look a frowns."Damn.We have don't have much time left.Today is the last day right?"

"Yeah.We still have around 7 hours left."

Eren gets up."Let's go search for the key.Who knows it might be in here?"

Mikasa stares at him for a second."Yeah.That might be true."



3 days ago,Erwin came to our camp site and gave us the last training.

"The Last training for you guys is Expiditon.Survive in the North Forest for 4 days with the Titans."

"F..four days?!" Oluo-senpai gasped.

"And...Titans?!" Petra-senpai bit her upper lip.

"Yeah.You have to at least kill 50 titans and each group of you have to find this key." Erwin-sensei put out a key from his pocket.It looks like a basement key.

"In the past,people kept the remaining Titans in this forest and we sometime take a one or two to do some experiments.And,there's seem too much of them in here,So.." Erwin smirks a little.

Then why don't you just tell us that you did this just to reduce the popularity of them can't you?!

I can see the other members frowned in annoyed too.

"What the heck is this." I can heard Jean whispered.

"Please remember this.Don't take this training easily.The one who is not strong enough will die drastically by the Titans!"

Some of us gasped in fear.I can see Mikasa remained calm.

And now I know why no one wanted to join this club.

"So you heard it right?Use your 3DMG and if you're out of gas or blades or your device is broken,find the supplyments at any hidden places.We will give you the supplyments as much as you need."Levi-sensei takes a sip of his black tea.

"I think that's all I can say.Any question?"

We shook our head.Erwin sensei smiled.

"That's good.And now,get ready."

Mikasa,Jean and I stay together and we get ready to pull our triggers.

The senpais's group also getting ready.

"I will shot the green flares when it's done and come back here right after I shot it." Hanji san gives us a warm smile and it makes us feel a little bit warm.

Levi sensei besides her stunned a minute seeing her smile.

Erwin sensei clears his throat.

"For the glory of humanity,ADVANCE!"


And then,all of us got in the North Forest.



With the help of my flashlight,we get in deeper in the cave.

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