Chapter 9:Welcome Party 2

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I look at my wrapped finger and blush.The hotness of her hand touching my finger makes me flutter.

I look at her who is preparing the soup for the hotpot.I sit on the table behind her and rest my cheeks on palm while staring at her back.

I smile.She's really beautiful.

"Everyone!The hot pot is done!" Sasha scream in joy and everyone gather around the table.

We all sit on the floor,and I quickly sit beside her and we comfortable ourselves.Annie also sit beside my left and she pours us some juice in our glass.

"Raise all of your cups,everyone." All of us raise the cups and Reiner starts talking.

"To celebrate for our new student,Eren Yaeger in our class today and also today we also want to celebrate for the first time Mikasa wants to  hang out with us.Welcome both of you,cheers!"


All of us drink the juice.Then,we start eating and talking to each other.

I look at Mikasa who is frowning and still didn't drink her juice."What's wrong,Mikasa?"

She looks at me,"I just don't know when  in the hell  I want to join you guys." The others heard her and it became silent.But,Christa is quick to break it.

"It's okay,Mikasa.Please try to know us more.Take your time." All of them smile at her and she nods.

She takes a bite of the fried shrimp that she cooked by herself.She frowns a bit.

'That's must mean that it's a failure for her.' I talk to myself,inside my heart and also try the shrimp.

Oh?! It's really good!

Then,she tried many other food and I still staring at her without she realizing.When she tried that food,I will try it too.

"Eren,try some of my takoyaki I made," Annie hands me some takoyaki.I smile and take a bite.

"It's good!" I said from the bottom of my heart.She smiles and...blush?

"Try this one too." She try to feed me some fish.I flinch for a sec but then I remember that I can make Mikasa jealous.

Yeah,I will make her to start fall in love with me through jealousy.Well then,here I go!

I try to look at her and find out she's not looking.I become panic.Wait,Mikasa look here.I must do something to make her look at us.

"Eren?" Annie comes closer to me when I'm not opening my mouth.


I take a look at Eren who looks like he hesitated when Annie wants to feed him.

Then,I saw he tried to look at Mikasa who is eating the udon quietly without even looking anywhere.I smirk.

"Eren?" Annie looks confuse when Eren is not responding.She draws herself closer to Eren making the smile Eren tried to make became awkward.

Flirting,huh.Way to go Annie.You really look desperate now.I though to myself and smirk at Eren when he looks at me.

Guess I will help you,buddy.

"Mikasa." Mikasa raises her head up when I called her name.

"Hrmm?" She looks at me.She's so cute.

"Don't you think Eren and Annie are sweet?" I smirk at Eren and look at Mikasa who is now looking at both of them.

Eren quickly eat the food that Annie feed.

Then,she smiles.

"Yeah,they're really sweet,and a cute couple too." Mikasa continues to eat while Eren seems like he's under electric shock.

Annie blushes

Ymir and I laugh.Reiner and Bertolt also try to hold their laughter too.Connie just smiles and shove a bread in Sashas mouth when she seems she want to laugh her heart out.

And the three of them seem like in their own world.

I sigh while smiling.


I try to calm myself.That Mikasa,how can she smiled while telling me and Annie look cute together?!

Calm down,Eren.You can try better in the next day.Don't give up.

I drink my juice and look at all of them.

The party is very lively with the talking.I don't feel boring at all.

After an hour we finish eating and start to clean.Mikasa cleaned the table and she brought all the ditry dishes to the kitchen.

"Mikasa,do you want some help?" Connie offers himself by trying to bring some of the dishes.

"Yeah,thank you Connie."

"Here,the soap and the sponge.Eren sure didn't cook at all.It's a relief he has some ingredients."Bertolt murmurs,making Mikasa frown.

"It's not good to eat outside food,Yaeger.You have to cook too.Home cooking is really good for nutrial balance." Although her words is a nagging,but it sounds like she worried about me.

I smile in joy,"I will try."

"Yaeger?" Reiner smiles devilishly looking at me after he heard Mikasa's words.I glare at him.Tch

"Mikasa," I approach her.The others are cleaning the living room.

"Hrmm?" She don't look at me and soap the dishes carefully.I exhale and grab the rubber gloves.

"Let me help you." I start to rinse the dishes.This is my first time offering myself to help in housework.

She didn't reply.It become silent again.


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