Chapter 6:First Fight

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I clean my table after the last class for today finished and get ready to go home.When I grab my bag and got up from my seat,Krista and Ymir approach me.

I stare at them as a meaning to ask 'what'

"Nee,Mikasa.Since today is Eren's first day,we decided to do a welcoming party for him at his place tonight.Do you want to join us?It's just a party between all of us." Krista smiles while inviting me.

'Cute.' I thought to myself.

If Ymir heard me,I must be killed already.

"Yeah,join us Mikasa!It will be fun if you join us!" Yaeger joins our conversation and stand beside me closely.

I flinch away a bit.Uncomfortable with his attitude.I frown and give him a death glare but he looks like he don't care and still coming closely to me.

I just ignore him.

"So,you're coming Mikasa?" Ask Annie.Then I saw  she tries to get close to Yaeger.I just stare at them blankly.

Looks like Yaeger is running away from her and that makes him closer to me that our shoulders and our hands touch a bit.I frown and move a bit to apart from him.

And then I saw Krista,Ymir,Connie,Sasha,Bertolt and Reiner smile looking at two of them and then all of them look at me.


Annie and Yaeger blush.

Ah...they're couple.I nod.They must be a slow and shy couple.

"Sorry but I'll pass because I have part time job tonight." I apologize.Thank god I really have job today.If not,I don't know what reason I have to make to convince them.

"Hrmmm..what a waste.It's okay we all can gather up together some other day." All of them sigh and I stare at them confusely.

Since when did I become one of them.This is really uncomfortable.I didnt really like this.They are really kind to ask me out althought they already know that I'm a cold hearted and cold blooded person.Sometimes I consider myself a sadist and a jerk too.

It just,I don't interested in making friends.Never in my life I want to make friends before.I think it's better to be alone,on your own.

Annie smiles widely hearing my answer while Yaeger sigh deeply.Just what is wrong with these two?They looks like an idiot couple.

Well,a cute couple though.I ship them.

"Then,We'll be going Mikasa.See you tomorrow!"Sasha waves to me while eating her potato with Connie.I just nod.

"I wonder when will those two become a couple." I thought to myself while rubbing my own side neck.

"Yeah.Soon they will be a couple.But what about us?"Suddenly Yaeger appears from my back while putting his arm around my shoulder.

"W..woah,Y..Ya..Yaeger!" I flinch away because of the shock and quickly slip away by sitting down.

I stand up again and glare at him.


I sigh.Looks like she really uncofortable with me.

But I really like her reaction that I want to tease her more.I smile bitterly while carrying my bag on my shoulder,following her who is walking out of the class.

I can see she blushed just now.So cute.

"So,are you going home now?"I ask.She just silent and reply,"That's none of your concern."

I smile.

I walk behind her a little to see her from the back.

Nice figure,I thought to myself while licking my bottom lip.

We got out from the school gate.

I saw her walk to the direction to my home.

"I guess I can just go home with her." I quickly catch up with her when she got ahead of me.

"Your home is in this direction?" I ask to crack the silence.


"A..Ah..So where are you going?"I awkwardly asking.

"None of your concern." She answer again to shut me up.But,I will not give up.

"Classmates need to know about each other you know."

"But to me,you're a stranger so I don't think I will give you my personal information."

"Hah?! But you just gave me your name in class!"

"It's not strange for strangers to exchange name.Also,I admit you're my classmate but I also think you as a stranger and our business is just in school when there is something important to talk about,got it?" She stop walking and glare at me furiously.

I look away.Not because I'm scare of her glare but because her glare and her face make me nervous.I cough to cover up my embarassment.

She walk again and I follow her.She doesn't look like she care at all.

Then I saw her went to the convenient shop.

"You want to buy something?" I ask.

"No.I work here."


"Can you please talk slower?We're not in the karaoke you know." She give me a death glare.

"I reject you working here.Go sign up now!" I grint my teeth,controling my anger while imagining she touches other man's hand when at the counter.This is cannot be happening!

"What?Who are you to make me do as you please?Are you my mom!?" Her voice got higher and her face got redder.

"Just shut up and sign up.Find another job." I cross my arms while glaring at her.

"No.I will not sign up from this job.Just go home,Yaeger.You're really annoying." She gets in the store while cursing.I try to get in but then someone called my name.

It was Armin.

"What is it,Armin?" I ask annoyingly and still peeping at the store to find her but she is nowhere to be seen.

"What do you mean?We all agree to gather at your place.So quickly open the door for us.It's almost dusk." Armin quickly reach my hand and pull me to walk with him to Reiner and others.

"Wa..wait,Armin!" I look behind again to find her and find her sweeping the floor outside the store.She saw us and she gave me a glare.

I quickly look in front.I pout and then keep walking with Armin,to bring all my friends to my house.

I'm so annoyed today.


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