And your hope turns into fear

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A/N: Angs angst, and kinda long chapter. Sorry.


Next day when Mike woke up he realized instantly where he was and what had happened. They had slept the rest of the day and also the whole night. Brad was still sound asleep. Mike shifted trying to get up so that the guitarist wouldn't wake up. He sat on the edge of the bed and glanced sighing at the other.

"Shit! Brad wake up!" he noticed suddenly that the shoulder was twisted.

The guitarist mumbled groggily when Mike pulled him to sit by his good arm.

"You were sleeping on your arm. The doctor said that you shouldn't move your shoulder and...", Mike grabbed the arm trying to adjust is gently.

"Stop! Don't touch me!", Brad screamed which startled the other.

Mike stared at him not believing the words. It hurt. Not like he thought that the married man would suddenly start liking him even when he had slept on Mike's arms, but his voice was really angry.

The half Asian sighed and took a step closer carefully. "Hey. I have to. You heard what the doctor said. I will just adjust the sling and then take my hand off of you, okay?"

Brad stared at him his eyes still having the shade that Mike wasn't used to see but then the relieving nod came and Mike exhaled and did what he needed to do.

"Sorry I woke you up. You can get back to sleep. I will call the boys and make some breakfast", Mike mumbled backing up.

He waited for Brad to say something but when no words came he grabbed his phone and got to the kitchen leaving the door open anyway. Once he was in the kitchen he just somehow forgot what he was supposed to do. Groaning he leaned to his hands and squatted down to the floor. After he had gotten his breathing steady he got the phone and called Rob. He would know what to do, he always has.

"Morning. Sorry, I hope I didn't wake you up", he mumbled.

"No you didn't. How is he?", Rob answered.

"Well... He slept on the arm. The shoulder was weirdly twisted and I don't think it he was supposed to get it like that. I don't know... Could you call the doctor maybe? To ask was it bad bad, or just bad?", Mike stood finally up and started to pick random items from the fridge.

"Mike I know you too well... I can hear that isn't all", Rob cleared his throat at the other end of the line.

"Shit... When I woke him up and tried to adjust the sling he yelled me to stop and not to touch him", he answered tossing a cream cheese on the table.

"Damn. Okay... We just need to.... He needs time. We still don't know what happened", the drummer sighed.

"Yeah well... Maybe. But I don't know about him. Elisa is coming back tomorrow", Mike was satisfied with the breakfast items and started to make some coffee.

"That too... I think we need to have a band meeting today. Don't you think? If I call the boys we could come there", Rob said.

"Okay. We need to postpone the start of the tour. Oh my god my head is exploding... Too much to think", the emcee groaned.

"Don't think too much. We are all in this mess together. I'll make the call. Just... Keep him comfortable. You can do that, I know you can", the other answered and closed the line.

"Yeah, together", Mike mumbled thinking about his secret.

He shook his head and waited the coffee to get ready before pouring it to his cup. He didn't know what to do next. Was he supposed to wait for Brad to come there? Was he still sleeping? Or was he supposed to go and say that breakfast was done? Sipping the steaming liquid he walked to the guest room almost on his tip toes trying not to make the other uncomfortable or scare him. Brad was sitting on the bed staring again his hand that wasn't in the cast.

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