We fake what we don't know

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A/N: Jeez this story is one big mess. Lol. Yeah, ready for another sad, painful chapter with a cliffhanger? Here we go


Days had past. Several days. And Brad had fallen back to his non-speaking state. Which had become the normal state. Mike didn't even remember what it felt like when Brad actually talked. When he laughed and responded. This empty shell wasn't Brad. It sure looked like him but that was all it was. And the silence was deafening.

So the days went by just like the previous days. They woke up and ate breakfast. Then they watched TV or occasionally Mike read while Brad watched it. Mike would call Rob and then he would cook or order in. Some days Brad napped during the day time. On other days it was time for wound care. And then they went to sleep.

The thing was that they woke up together in Mike's bed. They watched TV Brad leaning on him. Or when he napped he had his head on Mike's lap. Wound care and shower was still awkward, but Brad didn't say anything and Mike did it all cause he had to. And then they went to sleep- together in same bed.

Mike had spoken with the doctor and they had discussed about the stitches. He had given a permission for Mike to take them out by himself as long as he would do it properly and follow instructions given. The wounds would need few more days. Brad had also gotten permission to toss the sling. The shoulder was better and now it needed some exercise. And the bruises under his eyes had turned to horrible green color and slightly faded.

From outside Brad was healing. Slowly, but surely his shell was coming together again. Mike just didn't know what he would need to do to make him whole again. Really whole. And there he was now, thinking about it. Again. Brad had crawled onto his lap. Half there, half still on the couch in some kind of a fetal position. They were waiting the others to visit. Rob had figured that maybe if they spend some time together like they normally did it could encourage Brad to talk. Or possibly open up after they would leave them.

Mike had left the door on purpose unlocked so he wouldn't need to get up when they came. Cause he knew Brad way too well already. So when the knock came he didn't even shift but yelled for them to get in.

Rob knew how close they had come after the attack but this still shocked him. He didn't like it. He knew someone was going to get hurt, badly. And since Brad was already this hurt there was no other option than Mike. Chester and Dave didn't say anything. Their faces said only that they felt bad for Brad. They weren't shocked that Brad was practically on Mike's lap and looked totally comfortable there. Like it was where he was supposed to be.

"Hi... He was napping, just woke up", Mike said quietly noticing Rob's expression.

Brad got up like he was actually listening and caring but didn't move further away from Mike. Mike could feel the guitarist was all tensed up.

"Sorry, Joe couldn't make it. Some family crisis", Chester explained and sat next to Brad.

"How are you today? I see you don't have the sling anymore. Is the arm any better?", Dave asked.

Mike gave Brad a long time to answer but he already knew he wouldn't.

"Some stretching is needed for the muscles. It's more comfortable now I believe when the arm doesn't need to be pinned in one position", he told.

"And the doctor gave me a permission to get the stitches out when the time comes. The wounds should need still few days to heal before that", he continued then.

They went on about what they had done in the past days joking around like normally and Mike felt Brad was relaxing finally.

"Brad. Would it be okay if I lend Mike for a while? He will be back soon and we would be just in the other room. Chester and Dave will stay here with you", Rob asked trying to enunciate his words as carefully as possible.

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