I know just where you are

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A/N: Hello my lovely people! Nothing really to say here o.o My next one to write is 'Reading My Eyes'.


Another travel day. The way Brad was clinging onto Mike while they were just amongst the band and the crew was different this time. Even when Mike could feel the anxiety under the façade it wasn't as heavy as before. Maybe it was cause he had tried to listen to Chester. After their talk, he had promised to himself that he would do anything he could to change, if only it would mean that Brad would get better. It had been hard. He had to force himself constantly to not to do things the way he had done previously. But Chester was also helping him with it. Of course, it annoyed him that he had to be reminded about the situation. He felt like everything he had done this far was just dragging Brad to the wrong direction, or at least preventing him from not progressing. Even when he knew he had helped. Even when they told him he had.

"I miss home already", Brad said and let his head roll to Mike's shoulder. Just casually. It shouldn't raise any questions from the driver if he would happen to glance at them.

"Already?" Mike asked glancing out from the window. The car was driving them to the venue and soon he would a bundle of stress again.

"Don't read between the lines", Brad snorted. "I meant just that I miss home because that's our place. Here, with others, we are really never alone. From hotel to hotel... They are just places to sleep. Not home. Not a place to live."

"And still our lives are on the road", the half Asian raised his eyebrow.

"Yes. And that makes getting back home even better", Brad tilted his head to face the other.

Mike stared at the other, his eyes scanning his face slowly, "And then you miss back on the road."

"Yeah. But I never missed back home as I do now. Though, I would miss more back home if we wouldn't be together. Think about me leaving on tour and you staying alone home. God, I would hate that", Brad groaned.

"Glad we don't have to be apart", the emcee answered running his fingers through the short hairs in the back of Brad's head.

"Fuck... You know I still feel weird?"


"Well this whole thing. That I want to be with you and I hate that I can't touch you on stage or so, as I can here. But then that it's not good to be with you all the time. That I have to learn how to deal with... this thing that keeps messing up my head, by myself. I know Chester is right. I know that. But it still is weird", Brad mumbled.

Mike just nodded staying silent for a while. Then he sighed and draw a smile on his lips. "Yeah. I think that maybe Chester and the others saw something we couldn't. Cause when you are in it, you can't see all point of views. It's blinding. Sure I feel bad, cause my way to handle it was questioned. You know how much I hate it when I can't do it as I want. But all that matters is you getting better. If it means I need to step back then I will do it. You know I would do anything for you."

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