Tell me what I've gotta do

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A/N: Hello lovelies! Jeez this story is weird... Sorry about the long ass chapter that's (again) angsty... If you haven't yet read any of my other works do it, do it! ;) There's some bennoda and some bourdelson. And smut, lol.


"Sorry I am waking you up. After last night the social media really went crazy. It wouldn't be a problem otherwise but now Elisa wants to give her own statement. I don't know what and why, but she has been bugging me whole morning. She wanted to call you and talk with Brad but I didn't give your phone number. I said he needs rest. But... I can't prevent her from not giving a statement", Rob told after Mike had answered the phone grumpily.

"That bitch...She saw him yesterday! Why would she be so stupid to think that he would talk to her now", Mike muttered rubbing his eyes.

"Stop it. You know she is just worried. And cause she can read the comments but not answer... Well you did it yourself too!", the drummer sighed.

Mike groaned in frustration and got up to do the morning chores. Brad was still sleeping. Again, in his bed. He couldn't chase him away. Didn't want to. Of course he wanted to sleep with the man he loved. But now, it wasn't even that. He he knew that Brad couldn't sleep alone. He wouldn't force him. Not when there was a stream of salty tears falling from his pretty eyes begging him to not to leave him.

"So what do you suggest?", he asked.

"Well, we will let her. But not yet. We could only make her shut her mouth by scaring with legal actions. So maybe ask if she could wait. Let the dust settle and hopefully Brad get tiny bit better. And then that could be given instead of our next statement. Which... well the management said that we should update his recovery. Especially if he doesn't start to talk. Which leads me to the next problem. The management wants us to give interview. At least one. Not yet but in following week or two. They said it would be best to reassure the fans that we are doing fine. That he is recovering", the drummer continued.

"Fuck that. I can't talk with the press when he is in that condition. I will just break down in tears eventually", Mike laughed sarcastically.

"In few weeks, Mike. Not now. If you don't want to Chester can do it too. I really dislike this all but we need to think about the fans, not the media that just wants to write a good story. The fans miss him, us. They are worried. Only thing they know now was that something happened and he can't play. That is a huge blank hole", Rob continued.

"Jeez... Okay. We'll see it then. But for now... I don't even know what I should do next. Now I am making breakfast and then I again watch him eat next to nothing. And not talk. How am I supposed to do that for... we don't even know how long! I want to help but I don't know how. I don't even know where to start when there is nothing to grasp on to! And in the meantime the attacker is out there. Fuck!" he wailed desperately.

"I can't help you with that. Wish I could. Somehow even what you are doing now is helping him. And honestly... I wish you two wouldn't have that kind of connection. Cause I can already see this ending up badly. If he recovers to as he used to be", Rob mumbled.

"Don't say that! He will! I know he will! This is just... I don't even know what the fuck this is. I don't really want it anymore than you do either. Cause every hour I spend with him, here, like this, makes it harder for me to forget that I love him and move on. And yes we slept in same bed again. I can't force him to sleep alone. The way he stares at me... It breaks my heart. His eyes are so filled with sorrow and desperation. I can't do it. When he falls asleep I can finally sleep too", the half Asian told trying not to break down.

"I know Mike, I know. Sometimes solutions aren't so simple", Rob sighed.

"Did you just... quote my own song for me?", the emcee chuckled gloomily.

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