To see who gets scared when the lights go dim

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A/N: Tadaa! Two updates for one day. 'Reading My Eyes' chapter 3 is up. This is easier to read, I promise :) And we are moving forward! If you have an idea who the man could be that Brad had had sex before Mike, tell me. Lol. I imagined several person and had so much fun, but then I only added clue to when it was... Buhahah.


"So.... I think we need to tell the others", Mike exhaled. He really didn't even want to. It felt like it would burst their bubble and then it all would be out and ready to be torn apart. Unless it worked out and went the total opposite.

"Oh... kay. Well Rob knows already so I don't think it's that big deal", the other nodded.

"I'll send a message... Yeah but he knows only by accident. Cause I couldn't deal with it all alone", Mike pointed out and started to write the text message. "Besides. Are you... I still don't know what this is. Not that I would need actual word to put on it but I'm still unsure. That you really love me."

"Mike what the fuck. Are you seriously going to argue about this again? After yesterday?", Brad got onto his feet, throwing his hands in the air in disbelief.

"I'm sorry but you have to understand! It's all so sudden", the emcee groaned.

"I'm getting pissed at you. What the hell do I have to do to make you believe?! Why don't you trust me?", Brad stared at him the disappointment visible in his eyes.

"It's not that I don't trust you. It just feels so unbelievable. You know? This happens in movies. Not in real life. And after you weren't yourself a long time, and then suddenly are and... I doubt. I doubt myself more than anything. Guess I need more time. I don't know. This is so fucking messed up and I don't even comprehend how it can be more messed up now than when you didn't talk", Mike shrugged picking up some invisible lint from his sweatpants.

"And then there's the elephant in the room. Or two to be exact, though I don't know do you see the other", he continued raising his eyebrow and checking now the answer on his phone as it vibrated. "They'll be soon here."

Brad rolled his eyes and sat down next to him. "Yeah. And I don't want to talk about it cause I don't know what to do. It's like... I don't know. Been living in a lie and now when I see it, it doesn't feel that good. But what's the other thing?"

"Well you said it wasn't your first time. And I thought you were straight", Mike glanced at him but didn't receive the eye contact he hoped.

"Right. Uhm... It was really a long time ago. Years. Can't remember. Just a small fling. Didn't really think about it that much. Does it matter?", the other frowned turning now to face him.

The half Asian sighed. "I guess it doesn't. It was just a surprise. Wait, some years? Does that mean you were with Elisa at the time?"


"And... Who was it?"

"Does that matter either? I was drunk, he was drunk and probably more high than I have ever seen Chester. It was back when we played Rock Am Ring gig with Korn, Smashing Pumpkins and all that. And before you ask, no it wasn't one time. But then again I forgot it pretty soon and got back to... well the straight life", the guitarist explained.

"You know now I have to Google who else played there and think about you with every single person... Which I rather not would be doing", Mike groaned.

"You're cute when you're jealous", Brad snickered poking him with his finger.

"Oh fuck off. I'm serious", the emcee shot a glare at him biting his lip. "Was he good?"

"Mike! Stop that! I know it's a lame excuse to fuck someone when you're drunk but it still didn't mean a thing. I honestly can say that", Brad exhaled feeling frustrated. They weren't even an actual couple and already fighting over this nonsense.

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