Can I regain what's lost inside?

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A/N: More of the Mike/Brad awkwardness? Yup. But we also find out something more, yay!


When Mike woke up to his phone ringing the next day and he knew it had to be Rob his first instinct was not to answer. He couldn't explain what had happened. Not even for himself. There was horrible weight on his chest suffocating. But he knew he had to answer. Glancing at the sleeping guitarist he got up and walked outside. This time wanting to make sure Brad wouldn't hear him.

"Sorry, I was still sleeping", he mumbled gloomily closing the door behind him.

"Oh! Sorry, I should have known. What's up? You sound even worse than yesterday", Rob frowned in the other end.

"Shit... This is so fucked up. He kissed me", Mike slumped against the door.

There was a second of silence and then he thought his eardrum would break.

"What?!", Rob shouted.

"You heard me", the emcee sighed grimacing.

"Are you sure? It wasn't accident or anything like that?", the other wondered.

"No Rob. It was a real kiss. No tongue but I was the one pulling away cause I somehow managed to realize it wasn't... well I was going to say right but you know how much I want it to be right. Real", Mike said knowing there wasn't really anything he could do now.

"Fucking hell.... Why? I mean... What you did? I don't want to blame you but that was totally unexpected", the drummer was confused too.

"No I didn't do anything... I mean... Well I had just taken the stitches off. Laying beside him cause I was stupid to choose bad position to do it and my thigh muscles were killing me. Nothing more really. But... The day before that. I didn't tell you cause I thought it wouldn't matter in any way. I called him baby. Just by accident! And really it was such a quick moment. I don't even know did he hear it", Mike answered trying to defend himself.

"I really can't even... I don't even have any advices to the situation. Not like... From the day you told me I have tried to keep it as a secret and tell you that you shouldn't reveal it. But now... I don't think you have a choice. It might not change the situation but... I honestly don't think he loves you like that. Not that it wouldn't be possible but there haven't been any signs before this. Not even a single one", Rob tried to rationalize.

"Well if we put it that way I haven't shown any signs either. Not ones that the rest would pick up", Mike mumbled.

"Right, yeah... But seriously think about it. I just... I'm still so afraid that this all is just a phase and when he gets better he goes back to his wife and you're left heart broken behind. More than you're now. So... Call me careful or what ever but I love you both so much that I don't want you to get hurt. Or even the worse, it leading to breaking up the band", the other sighed.

"So I suggest you talk with him. To him at least. Tell what you really feel and that you have just been there to help him. Not trying anything else. And maybe you should tell him also that I know, if it seems he didn't hear the talk back then. Which I think he did and that lead to this whole thing", he continued.

"Don't think I have a choice really. Yeah, I'll do that. Will call you later, though I don't think I have more news except if he doesn't take it well and hates me", the half Asian said feeling the weight on his chest just getting bigger.

"Wait Mike, I have actually something to tell. The police has a lead", the drummer interrupted him.

Mike gasped in disbelief and got up instantly. "What? Like really?"

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