Take me now to where I want to go

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A/N: Hello lovelies! How are you today? :) This story is also coming to its end. But don't worry, few chapters more to go I would say and I have so much plotbunnies for other stories that it isn't even funny anymore, lol. If you are reading my other stories, 'Reading My Eyes' is my next one to write.



"Baby do you want....", Mike was about to ask what Brad would like to eat but his expression stopped him mid sentence. "What?"

"Did you just call me baby?" Brad bursted into laughter, almost falling to the floor.

Mike face turned bright red. "Brad! What if I did?"

"No no, it's cute. Super cute. Just... I think the 'babe' is better. But if you want to use baby... No wait, don't", the other started to explain but continued then the laughter.

"Annoying asshole I say", Mike groaned smiling. "Ready for the cast removal?"

"No. Not really", Brad cringed looking at the cast.

Mike frowned and sighed then, sad cause of Brad's doubt. "You know, it's not like you can instantly play the guitar. Of rather, you probably can but not in a way that you probably want cause it will hurt. All your muscles... you know, they explained it to you. But, it doesn't mean that you can't. Or shouldn't. You should try and then just stop when it's too much. Don't think that it's forever. Soon you're back to the normal. If you just keep practicing."

"Yeah. I'm just... well mad. Cause of some asshole I have to basically start over", Brad shook his head standing up then.

"Well I don't think it's like that either. The arm will be sore but you can still remember how to play. And if for some weird reason not, then we will start from scratch", Mike smiled, trying to reassure him.


"Yes we. As in me and you. Cause I'm still not going anywhere. Now get your cute butt to the car cause we need to leave", the other waved his hand after making sure he got the house keys and the car keys with him.

Brad had the doctor's appointment and then they would head to grocery story. Chester had scheduled the interview for the next day and Mike wasn't happy at all. He knew they had to do it, people were still worried and asking about Brad. But no matter how well they would prepare he was afraid that he would blurt something weird. They had agreed with Chester that they could talk about the attack if the police would agree with them. Mike just haven't yet made the call. Another thing he was afraid to.

His mind whirled the whole appointment. The doctor took first X-rays making sure the bone had healed properly. When Mike saw the previous X-ray, taken after the attack, he cringed. It had been bad. But again he was happy Brad was even alive. Now he just wanted them to get back to the house. To get Brad back to safe. He was certainly going to enjoy the little time they had left, cause soon he couldn't protect Brad anymore. Not the way he wanted.

After the cast had been taken out the doctor made sure Brad understood the instructions and would try too hard at first which would backlash. And then he said how concerned he was about Brad's weight, while tentatively looking at Mike. He still didn't eat enough, but Mike knew it was getting better. Just would took a while for him to gain the weight back.

Brad was staring his feet the whole time. Listening but not really caring what the doctor had to say. But he was so glad that his arm was finally free from the annoying cast. He wanted to get back at Mike's place. To hide from all the stares and words that he never had asked to hear.

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