PART 5 - Announcement

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~next morning~
You woke up still wrapped in corbyns arms, he was so cute. You got up to get changed into something suitable for the day. You woke Corbyn up and told him what was happening.

Melody: Corbyn, Baby, you need to wake up we have something important today
Corbyn: what time is it babe?
Melody: it's 9 o'clock now out of bed and get ready
Corbyn: just a little longer please
Melody: no babe I'm ready you need to get ready to tell the fans.
Corbyn: fine only for you babe

Corbyn got up, pecked you on the lips then went and got ready. Once you were both ready you went downstairs to the boys.

Zach: Corbyn where were you last night bro I was looking for you to see if you wanted to go to chipotle but you weren't in your room
Corbyn: uh I didn't want to sleep alone last night...
Zach: you slept with melody?!
Corbyn: NO not in that way, we just cuddled
Jack: well Zach came and asked me to go chipotle last night so you missed out.
Jonah: I went too, they came and asked me
Daniel: ...and me, we would've invited you but you were in Mel's room and she doesn't like anyone to go in her room.
Corbyn: it's fine, anyone want to come to the beach?
Melody: we're going to the beach?
Corbyn: photo shoot day!
Melody: maybe we could take a picture to announce 'us' to the fans
Jack: aww you guys are so cute
Corbyn: thanks bro anyway you boys coming
All the boys: yeah sure

You all went to the beach and took some photos. Then it got to the group photos. Everyone put on an animal mask and you took a picture of them. Then Corbyn took one that you were gonna post with the caption "My four best friends brought me the best gift ever..." then you and Corbyn had a picture took of yourselves looking into each others eyes in which you posted with the caption "not only did my four bestfriends make me happy the gift they brought me was the best boyfriend ever, he is so sweet and I love him so much I hope you guys can accept this...?"
Corbbyn did the same thing and you all went home. As soon as you got home your phone began blowing up on instagram. You went into your Instagram, refreshed your profile and you were astonished, 14k followers!!! Before you only had 2k but 14k?!!? You began reading the comments on the picture you posted.

_.whydontwe._.limelights._: omg yes it's real #morbyn
Jonahsjawline: I WANTED THIS TO BE REAL AHHHH!!!! #morbyn
Corbynishot: really this is terrible I hate morbyn, she should kill herself he doesn't deserve her
Whydontwe_ny: omg yayayayayay #morbyn!!!!

~end of comments~

You were happy that a lot of people were accepting the fact that you are dating Corbyn but there were a lot of comments saying that you should kill yourself... why would someone think that you're  such a bad person...
You continued on with your day but you were getting loads of comments on your post, most which were good others which were hatful. It really did hurt by how someone could be so mean but you just tried to ignore it. It started getting dark and you had just got changed into your pyjama shorts and corbyns hoodie.

Corbyn: wearing another of my hoodies again?
Melody: of course
Corbyn: do you wanna come to my room today, instead of your room and maybe we won't miss out on chipotle again *he chuckled*
Melody: haha sure

You went to corbyns room and climbed into his bed. He payed down next to you whilst you placed your head gently on his chest. You could hear his soft heartbeat as he wrapped his arm around you and intertwining your fingers with his other. He was so warm and comfortable you fell asleep almost straight away. During the night you got woken up by someone coming into the room.

Melody: hello?
Zach: aww your so cute
Melody: what are you doing here?
Jack: well we-
Melody: how many of you are here?
Jonah and Daniel: all four of us...
Melody: and I'm guessing you want to go to chipotle?
Zach: yeah...
Melody: Corbyn wake up baby, we're going to chipotle
Corbyn: it halfway through the night isn't it?
Melody: yep these boys are having midnight cravings again

You and Corbyn got out of bed and didn't bother changing Corbyn just put on a top as he took it off before getting into bed. You all got in the car. Corbyn, you and Zach in the back, Jonah driving and jack riding shotgun. You were still really tired so on the journey there you rested your head on Corbyn whilst he wrapped his arm around you pulling you close. He gave you a soft kiss on your head as you closed your eyes to rest until you got there. You finally arrived and all got out of the car. Your phone was still going off with notifications on instagram. Whilst the boys were ordering you decided to look through some of the comments. Whilst scrolling through, one caught your eye. It said: "how does this girl even exist she's ugly, untalented and should never have someone as good as @corbynbesson. You should just kill yourself, it's not worth is."
The boys had the food so you started to head home. All the way home the same 2 questions kept crossing your mind. Do you really matter to anyone? Is it worth living? You would always answer with yes but the more you did the less confident you were.
Finally you arrived home and enjoyed the chipotle, after that you all decided to go back to sleep ready for tomorrow. At first it was hard to get to sleep the 2 questions were still floating around in your cloud of thoughts but luckily you just focused on corbyns heartbeat which made you all asleep.

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