PART 13 - Christmas Eve

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We arrived back at Corbyns and were exhausted. We told Corbyns mum about the whole story and she seemed so proud and happy about how much we care about eachother. We were so tired even though it was on 4pm but we all still decided to have a nap. Jonah stayed on the floor of Corbyns room with a spare mattress and me and Corbyn on the bed. I cuddled to Corbyn and had a nap. Jonah was on the floor sleeping peacefully and I'm so glad he's safe.

~2 hours later~

I woke up stretching. I looked to see Jonah was already awake and it was like we had brother to sister telepathy cause I could tell we were thinking the same exact thing. We stayed silent as Corbyn was still asleep and I climbed out of the bed heading out the room with Jonah. We went to the bathroom filling up some small buckets of water. Once they were filled we went back on the room and headed over to Corbyn. I went to pour the water on him but he wasn't there. I looked at Jonah and said "oh no" we both turned around to see Corbyn behind us with a bigger bucket in which he poured on both of us before we could run.

Melody: CORBYN!!
Corbyn: no one can mess with the bean
Jonah: ok you got us soaking wet!
Melody: AND OUR BED!
Corbyn: I forgot about that... but you were gonna get it wet anyway.

I still had my bucket in hand so did Jonah whist Corbyn was running to get towels me and Jonah looked at each other and knew as soon as he walked in we were gonna soak him too. He can running in the room and we poured the water all over him.

Jonah: that's what you get!
Melody: sorry *giggles*
Corbyn: well you got me back good but we should get changed and clean this up before going downstairs for dinner.
Melody: yep let's get working!

I ran to get some more towels being careful not to make any noise so everyone could hear me and find out I'm covered in water. We cleared up the mess and got changed into some different clothes. We went downstairs and sat on the couch waiting for dinner to be done.

We decided to watch a horror film. Me and Corbyn knew Jonah hated horror film but no one knew I didn't like them as I didn't tend to watch them. Corbyn decided we watch the paranormal activity films. We started watching the first on which got really scary. I literally screamed when the woman was doing some creepy things like being dragged down the stairs and when at the end she throws her boyfriend at the camera. But the end I was so close to Corbyn and was so hot from how tense it made me. We started watching number 2 but this time instead of Corbyn holding my hand- fingers intertwined- he put his arm around me which made me feel so much more safe, Jonah was just beside me and he looked so scared I felt really bad. I poked him to get his attention and held out my arms to hug him. Corbyn has his arms around me and I had mine around Jonah to make sure he felt safe. After the second film finished dinner was served and we all went to the table. I was next to Corbyn and Ashley. On the other side of the table Jonah was in the middle with Corbyns mum next to him and Jordan on the other side of him. Corbyns dad was at the end of the table by Corbyns mum and Ashley. Everyone tucked into dinner and put their plates on he side once finished.

Me Jonah and Corbyn went back to the sofa to watch the remaining 4 paranormal activities. Once finished it was late and everyone was asleep. I really didn't feel like moving and I could tell Corbyn and Jonah couldn't either. I suggested we stayed on the sofa tonight 1) because mine and Corbyns bed was wet and 2) because none of us felt like moving. Jonah shuffled onto the other sofa but me and Corbyn just later down falling asleep instantly.

Tomorrow was Christmas so I wanted the rest of the night to go quickly. The tree was up before we got hear and everyone had their gifts for everyone somewhere private ready to give to each other tomorrow. Me and Corbyn decided to get everyone gifts as a couple but I wanted to get Corbyn something for being amazing. I wasn't expecting him to get me anything and I really didn't mind if he didn't but he meant so much to me that I had to get him something. The only other person I got a present for that was just from me was for Jonah. He was the best brother ever so I could miss him out.

The night passed by and it was finally Christmas. When I woke up everyone else was already awake. I was still laying on top of Corbyn who was on his phone and everyone else was just on the other sofa with Jonah on their phones.

Melody: ok guys I'm awake off your phones it's Christmas, time for friends and family!
Jonah: wait I'll be back I need to get something
Corbyn: Jonah were all gonna get gifts and stuff so we're coming too *he laughs*
Jonah: oh yeah *he laughs*

I climb off of Corbyn and headed upstairs with him to get the gifts. We came back down to everyone else already with their gifts in front of them. Me and Corbyn couldn't wait to give everyone their gifts, We hopes they liked them.

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